Learn to talk about travelling in different seasons

Unit 7 Travelling 7.1 Learn to talk about travelling in different seasons Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box To sunbathe magic amazing sledge – to get around – places of interest – to climb


Unit 1 TIME FOR SCHOOL Lesson 4 AN ENGLISH TEST READING 1 Say if you have a pen-friend (e-mail friend) who writes his / her letters in English. – If yes, does it help

In the Dark Town

UNIT 4. THE BEST PET Lesson 4.1 In the Dark Town Do you know these words? Big Fluffy Pretty Friendly Quiet Clever Noisy Dangerous Messy Choose a pet and describe it. Let your partner

Lesson 19

Unit 2 FOOD AND DRINKS CLOTHES Lesson 19 1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Is there any cauliflower on the table? 2. Are there many limes near the oranges? 3.

Lesson 12

Unit 1 FAMILY. WORKING DAY Lesson 12 Модальне дієслово can вживається, щоб а) виразити вміння або можливість виконати дію в теперішньому часі, б) попросити дозволу щось зробити. Наприклад а) I can read – Я

Where Are the Monsters?

UNIT 8. FUNNY MONSTERS Lesson 8.2 Where Are the Monsters? 1. Look at the pictures and say where the monsters are. The blue monster is sitting on the bench. 2. Do you know these

The Two of Us: My Friend and I

Unit One: Family Ties 1.4.The Two of Us: My Friend and I Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Storyteller Unite Well-read Hard-worker Devoted To get along with somebody To share interests To see a


Unit 2 TIME FOR LEISURE Lesson 4 FRIENDS ONLINE READING 1 Say if you have got an e-mail friend. Think about useful things you can get from e-mailing. Share your thoughts with class. 2

In Season and Out of Season

Unit Two: On Your Hobby Horse 2.3. In Season and Out of Season Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To daydream Lovingly A saddle Stubborn To gallop Half-way To outgrow somebody To ride a

We Had Fun!

UNIT 3. GHOST OF THE FOREST Lesson 3.4 We Had Fun! 1. Which words are correct? Make sentences with them The bears thought the third spook was real. Thinked Cut Taked off Went Came
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