Bon appetite
3.2. Bon appetite
Grammar Smart
Ex.1 (a), p.79
1- full-time
2- low-fat
3- sugar free
4- brand new
5- takeaway
6- hand-made
7- home grown
Ex.1 (b), p.79
Під час виконання вправи можна використовувати слова та фрази на стор. 79
Word Smart
Ex.2, р. 81
How do you lay the table when you are expecting guests?
How do you help you mother in cooking and laying the table?
What dishes are prepared for a festive dinner?
Зразок виконання домашнього завдання.
We have lots of kitchen utensils that are useful to prepare meals.
Of course, it’s an oven to cook. When we bake something, we use a baking tray. When we need to have meat minced we use a mincing machine.
We also use a frying pan to fry potatoes are eggs. When we want to have
Of course we don’t forget about cruets for spices when we need some spices.
And of course we have some pans.
Time to read
Ex.2, p.82
1. serviette
2. dish
3. apple pie
4. meat
5. plates
6. salad
Time to communicate
Ex.1; p. 83
Yesterday we were expecting the guests and mum needed my help badly.
She asked me to spread a beautiful tablecloth and bring some serviettes. I put knives and forks for each person. Then she asked me to mincemeat for cabbage rolls. The food processor was out of order.
The food was so tasty that it makes my mouth water. We all enjoyed it.
Time to write
Yesterday we were expecting the guests and mum needed my help badly.
She asked me to spread a beautiful tablecloth and bring some serviettes. I put knives and forks for each person. And brought plates for everybody. Then she asked me to cut vegetables for salad. I like salads so I did it with pleasure.
The food was so tasty that it makes my mouth water. We all enjoyed it.
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