ТРЕТЯ ЧВЕРТЬ Lesson 50 8. I spent my winter holidays at home. The weather was frosty. There was much snow. We played snowballs, made a snowman, skied, skated and sledged. In the evenings I

How to manage your English language learning

Unit 2. BALANCE YOUR SCHOOL LIFE 2.4. How to manage your English language learning Word Smart Ex.1, p.64 1. What are your successes in learning English? I managed to improve my grammar. You are


UNIT 3 SCIENCE AND INVENTIONS Lesson 1 Ex.2, p.79 1. Chemistry – b: 2. Biology – d; 3. Physics – e; 4. Botany – c; 5. Geology – a. Ex.5(b), p.80 1. Linguistics; 2.

From the cookery book

Unit 3. FOOD AND COOKING 3.3. From the cookery book Grammar Smart Ex.1, p.85 1. She said she didn’t liked it there. 2. Granny said that meat tasted spicy. 3. Mum said they were

Lesson 1. Doing Chores

Unit 2. AT HOME Lesson 1. Doing Chores Listening and Vocabulary Ex. 1, p. 48 1. c, 2. b, 3. g, 4. f, 5. d, 6. a, 7. e, 8. h Ex. 2, p.

Unit 8. London. Kyiv

Unit 8. London. Kyiv Lesson 1 1. The articles tell about discovery the aliens city. In this city lives alien are just like people. 2. “Aliens are just like people”. 3. A) 1 –


ЧЕТВЕРТА ЧВЕРТЬ Lesson 80 8. 1. Where did you spend your spring holidays? – I spent my spring holidays at home. 2. How many days did you have your holidays? – I had my

Welcome to wales

Unit 4. EVERY COUNTRY HAS ITS CUSTOMS 4.3. Welcome to wales Grammar Smart P. 115 A) 1. Were the newspapers delivers every morning? 2. Were your computer fixed last Tuesday? 3. Was the letter

Му progress in English

Unit 3. FOOD AND COOKING 3.5. Му progress in English Grammar Smart P. 96 1. He asked Ann to come to his party. 2. Mum offered Boris to have some tea with her. 3.

Lesson 1. In school

Unit 1. IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL Lesson 1. In school Vocabulary Ex. 2, p. 9 1. next to 2. opposite 3. between 4. opposite 5. opposite 6. next to Reading Ex. 2, p.
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