Get Ready!
Lesson 3.1 Get Ready!
1. Look at the pictures. Say what the bears are doing. Use the words:
Go camping | Cut | Put on a sweater |
Stay for a night | Pack things | Wear |
– Max is packing things.
2. Do you know these words?
Scared | Hungry | Happy |
Busy | Lonely | Sad |
Say 6 sentences about the pictures.
Max is busy because he is packing.
… is lonely because he is…
When I pack things, I am sad because I don’t like it.
Max has got a cap. | Ross has got a rucksack. | Davy, |
This is Max’s cap. | This is Ross’s rucksack. | This is the brothers’ tent. |
3. Whose things are they?
This is Max’s cap.
4. Do you know these words?
Hope | Ghost | Hole |
Attic | Spook | Boss |
5. Listen and finish the sentences.
1. The brothers hope their dad will not…
2. The dad says there are lots of spooks in the…
3. Spooks’ boss is called the Ghost of…
4. The father goes to the attic to find…
5. The father cuts holes in a sheet to make…
6. Make up words out of these letters.
S O P К O S | H L E O S | P I К С A N G |
С I N A M P G | I T A T C | T T N E |
N H I G T |
7. Make up questions with these words.
What are the brothers doing at home?
Match the answers in Task 6 to these questions.
8. Write sentences with the words from Task 6.
Father speaks about spooks in the forest.
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