Готуємо paзом

Lesson 1. Готуємо paзом


– навчальна, презентувати новий граматичний матеріал за темою “Future Simple” та лексичний матеріал за темою “Відпочинок та дозвілля”, “Покупки”, практикувати мовні засоби за темою “Покупки”, описувати когось/щось, запитувати про відчуття та відповідати на запитання, повідомляти про смаки, уподобання, виражати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшення обсягу знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни,

що вивчається, вдосконалення умінь будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

– розвиваюча: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

– виховна: виховувати уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культурі спілкування, прийнятої в сучасному цивілізованому світі, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, вчити розуміти важливість

оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

Обладнання: таблиця “Future Simple”, картки за темою “Відпочинок та дозвілля”, тематичні картки “Покупки”.

Хід уроку


1. Game ‘’Associations”

Say the name of any activity. Pupils in pairs then work together, trying to think of and write down within a two-minute period as many words as possible they associate with this activity, e. g. watch TV – cartoon, actor, film, funny, song, singer etc.; read a book – story, interesting, tale, sad, act a tale, etc.


2. Listen and repeat (p. 66, ex. 1).

Read the words. Ask pupils to repeat the words. While pupils are reading the word combinations stick the pictures on the board. You can use the pictures from magazines or newspapers too.

Pronounce every word clearly. Ask pupils to say the letters of the words.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times. If it is necessary, translate them into the native language.


3. Listen and say (p. 66, ex. 2).

Books closed. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen.

Ask pupils to open the books.

Ask questions about the characters on the page, “Who are these children? Where are they?” Then ask about the characters’ clothing, “What colour is Vicky’s dress? What colour are the children’s phones?”

Present the word ‘tomorrow’. Drill the new word. Translate it.

Read the dialogue again. Pupils listen and read in silence.

Then pupils read and practise their parts in the story for a few minutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue.

Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Pay pupils attention to the Section ‘Remember’.

Read the sentences. Translate. Pay attention to the formation of Future Simple. Do choral and individual reading.

Ask individuals to read the sentences again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

Reading and Writing

4. a) Make up questions (p. 67, ex. 3).

Ask pupils to look at the table and make questions.

Ask bright pupils to go to the board and write them on it while other pupils write these questions in their copybooks.

B) Ask and answer in pairs.

Pupils read the pattern and act out the dialogue in pairs.

Tell pupils to read the questions from part A and answer using short answers.

5. Listen and repeat (p. 68, ex. 4).

Read the sentences. Repeat each food word once or twice. Pupils listen and repeat them. Drill the pronunciation. The meanings should be clear from the pictures. Point out how the first two food words ‘eggs’ and ‘bananas’ both end in – s and have a number word in front of them for example ‘two eggs’ or ‘three bananas’. Ask: “How many eggs/apples/oranges are there in the fridge?” to emphasize that pupils can count these things. Then show how the other food words do not end in – s. Say: “Look. There is no ‘s’ in the words ‘cheese’, ‘butter’ and ‘milk’. It is impossible to count these foods themselves (even if we can count the bottles, packets and bags in which they usually come) – the food itself is ‘uncountable’. Therefore, we use the word ‘some’ in front of these words, and not a number word: some cheese, some milk or some butter.”

6. Play the game (p. 68, ex. 5).

Help the pupils to choose ‘There is some… ‘ or ‘There are some’

Read the food words. Ask pupils what food words are uncountable. Pupils choose these words.

Ask some pupils to go to the board and write the uncountable words on it.

Ask pupils to read the patterns. Pupils read. Then ask pupils to make similar sentences. If you have time, ask pupils to write them down in their copybooks.

Ending the Lesson

7. Game “Can you see?”

Cut a hole in a piece of paper or card which is bigger or the same size as the flashcards. The hole should be about 5 cm across or 7 cm if you have a big class.

Choose a flashcard without showing children and put the paper with the hole in front of the flashcard. In this game you can use new food words.

Move the piece of paper around so that children see glimpses of the flashcard beneath.

Ask “What’s this?” or another appropriate question.

The first child to call out the answer correctly comes to the front to choose the next flashcard.

Continue until all the words in the vocabulary set have been practised.


Read p. 66, ex. 1, 2; p. 68, ex. 4.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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