І семестр




Цілі: формувати навички вживання граматичної структури Present Perfect у писемному й усному мовленні; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й аудіювання, уживання лексичних одиниць; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up

Answer the questions.

1) Do you want to know as much as possible about things around us?

2) What helps you to get more information about the world?


Fill in the names of your school subjects and you will solve this puzzle.


Key: Geography, Ukrainian,

German, Literature, Drawing, Maths, History.

2. Listening

Ask pupils to listen to the children’s opinions about school and agree or disagree with them.

(Write on the board the prompts to help pupils to express their opin­ions after each text: Yes! I think so!.. No! I can’t say… I don’t know! I’m not sure that.)

What do these children feel about school?

Tim. Our school is not the best, but I like it. I’m in the football team. It’s fun. Our hockey team is the best in the city.

Tracy. My dad always says, “Homework first”. I hate it. It’s so boring. The only thing at school that I like to do is to draw.

Helen. Oh, school is the best thing in the world. I’m doing well a lot of subjects. I get only good marks. I see friends that I like very much.

Will. I don’t like school very much. I have some problems with lan­guages. Besides, I’m always afraid that the teacher can call to my par­ents.

3. Presentation of Present Perfect

Walk around the class, performing different actions

and then com­menting on them using the present perfect, e. g. I’ve opened the door. I’ve closed my book. I’ve dropped my pen. I’ve sat down. Ask students to do different actions and answer the question: What have you done?

E. g. T. What have you done?

S. I’ve written my name.

Then get students to ask each other about a third student,

E. g. S1. What has Anton done?

S2. He has just opened his book.

Explain the rule (page 28), write example sentences on the board and practice them chorally and individually.

4. Reading

Read the dialogue (ex.1, p. 28) and find the present perfect forms. Read them aloud. Make your own examples with these forms using the following expressions: learn the new words, do the sum, draw the picture, read the text, learn the rule, learn the poem, search the information about, write the composition. Explain the new words to hurry and I hope so. Find them in the text and give your own examples.

Make up your own dialogue.

5. Writing

Use Present Perfect to make positive sentences.

1) They / buy / a new house

2) You / eat / four bananas!

3) We / finish / our work

4) He / lose/ his key.

5) She / have / a shower.

Use the Present Perfect to make questions.

1) you / see / Jeremy?

2) he / read / this book?

3) they / visit / this museum?

4) she / make / pizza?

5) you / write / this article?

6. Speaking

Do Ex. 2, p. 28.

7. Summary

Name a subject and ask pupils to say that they have done something connected with it.

For example: Maths – I’ve done the sum.

1) Ukrainian – write the letter,

2) Art – draw the poster,

3) Literature – read the story,

4) English – learn the new words,

5) Geography – find this river on the map,

6) History – fill in the chart,

7) Computer Studies – make a presentation,

8) German – make up the dialogue.

8. Homework

Your friend has just come back from an incredible country. Ask him 6 questions about his experience using the following words: eat, drink, see, visit, speak, ride, fly. E. g. Have you eaten crocodile meat?

Ви зараз читаєте: I LOVE SCHOOL. AND YOU?