Lesson 11
Lesson 11
1. Listen, read and remember the words.
To consist of Senior to Viewpoint To lose one’s temper Argue Hurt | /ˈsiːnjə/ /ˈɑːgjuː/ | Складатися з Старший за Точка зору Втрачати самовладання Сперечатися Завдати болю; ображати |
2. Give laconic answers to the questions.
Model: – Does your family consist of three or more members?
– Of five.
1. Does your family consist of three or more members?
2. Is your unde senior or younger to his sister or brother?
3. Is your point of view often similar or different from that of your parents’?
4. Do you often or sometimes lose your temper?
5. Whom do you hurt more often your parents or your friends?
3. Say how often you lose your temper argue with other people, hurt people or animals. Use always, often, usually, sometimes, never.
4. Read Ann’s letter about her mother and father.
5. Work in pairs. Talk about Ann’s parents.
1. How does Ann’s mother manage to make the atmosphere at their home comfortable?
2. What days does Ann’s mother work?
3. Whose job is well paid?
4. How does Ann’s father look like?
5. Why does he wear a suit, a shirt and a tie?
6. Why does Ann like her parents’ days off?
6. You are on an exchange programme in the USA. Tell the host family about your relatives.
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