Lesson 50
Lesson 50
1. Look at the pictures and remember the words.
2. Practise saying the geographical names.
The British Isles | /ðə/ /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/ /aɪlz/ | Британські острови |
England | /ˈɪŋglənd/ | Англія |
Scotland | /ˈskɒtlənd/ | Шотландія |
Wales | /weɪlz/ | Уельс |
United Kingdom | /jʊˈnaɪtɪd/ /ˈkɪŋdəm/ | Сполучене Королівство |
Northern Ireland | /ˈnɔːðən/ /ˈaɪələnd/ | Північна |
Europe | /ˈjʊərəp/ | Європа |
Atlantic Ocean | /ətˈlæntɪk/ /ˈəʊʃən/ | Атлантичний океан |
Ben Nevis | /bɛn/ /ˈniːvɪs/ | Бен-Невіс |
Scafell | Скафелл | |
Slieve Donard | Слів-Донард | |
Thames | /tɛmz/ | Темза |
Clyde | /klaɪd/ | Клайд |
Lough Neagh | Лох-Ней |
3. Look at the map and read about the British Isles.
The British Isles lie off the north-west coast of continental Europe. They are made up of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) or the United
The UK is separated from Europe by the English Channel. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and the North Sea in the east.
Mountains are an important part of the geography of the country. The highest mountains are Ben Nevis in Scotland, Snowdon in Wales, Scafell in the Lake District and Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland.
The main rivers in England are the Seven and the Thames. Scotland’s longest river is the Clyde and Ireland’s the Shannon. The largest lake is the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland.
4. Complete the sentences.
1. The Seven and the Thames are the… . 2. The British Isles are made up of… . 3. Ben Nevis is the… . 4. The Lough Neagh is… . 5. Great Britain consists of… . 6. Scafell is the… .
5. Match the pictures to the sentences.
1. This is London.
2. This is Snowdon in Wales.
3. This is the English Channel.
4. This is Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland.
5. This is the Clyde in Scotland.
6. This is the Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland.
6. Tell the class about the British Isles.
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