1. Read the dialogue and act it out.
Dad: Tommy, we have some work to do.
Tommy: What work, Daddy?
Dad: I want to plant some trees in our garden. Will you help me?
Tommy: Of course, I will.
Dad: First, let’s go to the shop and buy some small trees.
Tommy: OK, father.
(in some hours)
Tommy: Hi, Mummy! Look! These are the trees for our garden! Dad: We will plant them here and there.
Tommy: And I will help you, Daddy!
Mum: Well done*, boys! Our garden will be very nice!
* Well done! – Молодці! Чудово!
2. Choose and complete.
1. Tommy and his Dad want to… .
A wash the car B plant the trees C clean the house
2. First they will go to… .
A the park B the garden C the shop
3. Tommy is… to help his father.
A happy B funny C clever
4. The family will have. .
A a big house B a new flat C a very nice
3. Ask and answer.
1. Do you help your parents?
2. What do you usually do?
3. Do you plant trees in your garden?
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