Planning a Shopping Trip

Unit Five: Are you Good at Shopping?

5.1. Planning a Shopping Trip

Word Bank

Phrase Bank

Communication Box

Shopper to please florist’s admirer

Shopping centre

Shopping trip

Shopping bag

Shopping list

Shopping cart

On sale

To be much of a shopper

To be on the safe side

To have a great selection

To be dazzled

To have no idea

To pop into

By the way, … Thus, …

You never know..

I. Conversation Warm-up

Look and say what friends are planning to buy. Guess why.

Planning a Shopping Trip

Example: I think Ami plans to buy a new hand bag because she wants to be stylish.

II. Pronunciation Warm-up

Read a shopping trip chant and practise the

sounds /w/ and /эv/. Say who usually wishes you a nice shopping trip and if it is the same.


– Have a nice shopping trip!

– Don’t worry, I will.

– Have a nice shopping trip!

– Don’t worry, I will.

– Don’t forget to buy some bread.

– Don’t worry, I won’t.

– Don’t buy grey, brown or white

– All right, all right.

III. Grammar Smart

1. Look and recall!

1) Use have to or must to express necessity.

Example: There is no bread in the house, so we have to buy some, or You really must talk to a shop assistant.

2) Use must to express strong orders.

Example: You must eat more, you are so thin!

A) play a completion grammar game.

Example: You really must stop buying sweets.

1. You must understand…. 4. I have to buy… .

2. Ann has to go shopping…. 5. You will have to… .

3. We must…. 6. All school children must… .

B) Look at the signs in the shop and say

what you must (mustn’t), have to (don’t have to) do. Use the verbs suggested.

Planning a Shopping Trip

Example: You mustn’t take biscuits with hand. Use plastic gloves, please.

Planning a Shopping Trip

2. Look and Remember!

Use should to say about something that is advisable.

Example: You should buy a green hat to match your coat.

Use had better, you’d better for urgent advice when you believe that something bad will happen, if the person doesn’t follow your advice.

Example: You’d better buy it or someone else will do it.


Use should in questions when you are wondering what to do.

Example: Should I try this hat or that one?

A) Play a guessing game putting questions to people who don’t know what to do.

Example: What to buy at the market? → Should I buy apples at the market?

1. Where to buy bread.

2. Where to pay for your products.

3. Whether to take a shopping bag.

4. What to buy at the fruit shop.

5. What gift to buy for your friend’s birthday.

6. Whether to go shopping alone or with your mum.

B) Fill in should or you’d better.

Example: I think you’d better leave now or you’ll be late.

1. I don’t think you… buy this dress, it’s too short for you.

2. In my opinion you… buy a book instead of a CD.

3. Ann… buy a blouse in green, it is so becoming her.

4. You… tell a shop assistant that you are looking for a new pair of shoes.

5. Steven… talk to his mom before going to the shop.

6. We all think you… try this suit on.

IV. Word Smart

1. Fill in the word rose for the following content area and make up your sentences with them.

Planning a Shopping Trip

Example: My mum does the shopping trip once a week.

2. Answer the questions

1. How often do you do the shopping?

2. Where do you like to do it?

3. Who is much of a shopper in your family?

4. Why do many people write a shopping list?

5. When are you dazzled at the shop?

6. What shop do you pop into more often and why?

3. Read what Lucy says about her shopping in England and fill in the right words and phrases. Say if you have the same in Ukraine.


I love shopping trips with my elder sister, because she teaches me how and where I can buy the right things. In the centre of most towns and villages in Britain there is a street with lots of different… . This street is usually called the… and it is very convenient to do the shopping there. My sister likes “Marks and Spencer chain-stories” which sell… . She says they have a reputation for good quality and besides if you buy something you don’t like you can take it… and get your… back. I dislike such shops, because there are crowds of… and I get tired very quickly. When my sister is busy, I… at a small shop on a corner. We call them corner shops. They are open until late in the evening and sell freshly baked… . They are so delicious.




High Street


Clothes and food


Do the shopping


At home: Describe your shopping trip.

Go to Ex. 69, 70 of your Workbook

V. Time to Listen and Read

1. Listen to / read the dialogue and say what the children plan to buy.


Helen: I say, Ann, you look smart in this dress. Is it new?

Ann: Exactly. Mum and I bought it on sale three days ago.

Steven: I haven’t done the shopping for ages. I’m not much of a shopper, you know. You, girls, are so fond of shopping!

Ann: That’s true. But it’s not that easy even for us.

Steve: Agreed. Mum says I should plan a shopping trip ahead and write a shopping list, to be on the safe side.

Ann: That’s OK if you do the food shopping. You never know what you can like at the department store.

Steve: By the way, Ann, are you very busy at the moment?

Ann: Not very much, but why?

Steve: There is a new music shop round the corner and it has a great selection of CDs. I saw some musicals there and was so dazzled. You know much about music. Can you give me a hand?

Ann: Sure. I had no idea that you are an admirer of musicals.

Steve: Not me. I’d like to please my granny, a music teacher. She is interested in Lloyd Webber’s musical.

Ann: Great! And on the way to the music shop let’s pop into the florist’s. I’d like to buy a new flower pot for our Botanic class.

Steve: So, we’ve planned our shopping trip, haven’t we?

– to do the shopping – to go shopping

– to shop – a shopper

– to admire – an admirer

– to teach – a teacher

– to compose – a composer

See First Aid Kit, Word-building, p.213

Across Culture: Britain

Planning a Shopping Trip

Andrew Lloyd Webber – відомий англійський композитор. Автор мюзиклів “The Cats”, “The Phantom of the Opera” та ін.

3. Complete the sentences with the right form of the word.


1. Dan is not much of a shopper.

2. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a great British… .

3. Steve’s granny is a music….

4. Steve’s granny is a great… of musicals.

5. Ann knows much about this… .

6. The girls are good… .

3. Say who said the following phrases. Explain why.

Example: You look smart in this clress. →

It is Steve. He wanted to complimen t Ann, because he liked her new dress.

1. I haven’t done shopping for ages!

2. Are you very busy at the moment?

3. Sure. I had no idea that you are an admirer of musicals.

4. Not very much, but why?

To shop

To compose

To teach

To admire

To write

To dance

5. That’s true, but it’s not that easy even for us!

6. Not me. I like to please my granny, a music teacher.

VI. Time to Communicate

1. Act as Ann or Steve and describe the way they plan their shopping. Use:

Planning a Shopping Trip

– to plan a shopping trip ahead;

– to write a shopping list;

– to be on the safe side;

– to have a great selection of…;

– to be dazzled;

– to pop into the something.

4. In pairs, talk with your friend about your planning a shopping trip. Use the pattern.


A: I say… , you look… . Is… ?

B: Exactly. … on sale.

A: I am not much… . You, girls… .

B: That’s true. But… . You never know….

A: My mum says… and… .

B: That’s OK if… .

A: By the way, ….

B: Not very much, but… ?

A: There is… and…. Can you… ?

B: Sure. I had no idea…. But….

3. Describe the way you plan your shopping trips.

VII. Time to Listen

1. Listen to the story “My Shopping Experience in the USA” and say what surprised Oksana.

2. Listen to / read the story again and choose the correct ending to the sentences.

1. Last summer my granny and I visited… .

A) my granny’s daughter;

B) my granny’s brother;

C) my granny’s son.

2. I’ve got the impression that everything in the USA is so… .

A) small;

B) interesting;

C) big.

3. Uncle Paul does the shopping… .

A) once a week;

B) once a month;

C) once per three weeks.

4. They went to the supermarket….

A) on foot;

B) by car;

C) by bus.

5. Americans usually buy products… .

A) in small portions;

B) in big portions;

C) in bunches.

6. We ended up our shopping trip….

A) buying less than we had planned;

B) buying more than we had planned;

C) buying nothing of what we had planned.

VIII. Time to Write

In writing, compare American and English ways of shopping with those in Ukraine.

Go to Ex, 71, 72 of your Workbook

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