Семестрове оцінювання з говоріння

Мета: контроль сформованості навичок говоріння.




Т. Today is semester test on speaking.


Повідомлення результатів семестрового оцінювання з аудіювання

Учитель повідомляє про результати виконання тесту з аудіювання й аналізує типові помилки.

Перевірка сформованості навичок говоріння

1-й варіант

I. Answer the questions.

1. How do you feel when you get a bad mark? (Disappointed)

2. How do you feel when you get presents? (Excited, happy)

ІІ. Match these characteristics with the correct definitions.

1) talkative

2) bossy

3) shy



5) lazy

6) sociable

7) polite

8) honest

A) likes to give orders

B) has good manners

C) talks a lot

D) shares things with friends

E) is interested only in himself

F) does not like working

G) does not say much in front of other people

H) likes to be around people

ІІІ. Tell about your best friend (classmate): name, age, character, likes and dislikes.

2-й варіант

I. Answer the questions.

1. How do you feel when you are watching an uninteresting film? (bored, disappointed)

2. How do you feel when you listen to you favourite music? (relaxed)

II. What do we say when a person…?

A) always tells the truth;

B) helps other people;

C) acts like a friend;

D) doesn’t help his parents

E) is never afraid

F) often does things, plays games

G) is friendly and likes being with people

H) shows feelings of love

I) doesn’t make a lot of noise

J) works and studies hard.

K) is afraid to talk to people

III. Tell about your mother (father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin): name, age, character, likes and dislikes.

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