Як вчаться мої однолітки в Англії

Lesson 8. Як вчаться мої однолітки в Англії


– навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал та закріпити лексичний матеріал за темою “Шкільне життя”, практикувати мовні засоби за підтемою “Шкільні предмети”, працювати із словником; формування навичок вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

– розвиваюча: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність

брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам’яті – слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

– виховна: виховувати уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

Обладнання: картки за темою “Шкільні предмети”, плакат “Present Simple”.

Хід уроку


1. Game “Jump”

Ask children to stand at their desks.

Hold up a flashcard from the vocabulary set and say a word.

If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn’t, they keep still.



2. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 1).

Ask pupils to look at the picture. Ask some questions about it: “What can you see? Where are the children? How old

are they? Are they big or small? What are they doing? What are they wearing?” etc.

Ask pupils to read the words after the text. Pupils listen and read in silence.

Pronounce the words clearly again.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

Ask pupils to read the text in silence after you. You can translate difficult sentences into the native language.

Then pupils read the text themselves.

Ask pupils to name pets in class.


3. Choose and say (p. 28, ex. 2).

Pair work: Ask pupils to read the sentences and find correct statements. Pupils read and choose the correct words. Go round helping weaker pupils especially to read and work out meaning for themselves.

Post-reading: Ask pupils to read the correct sentences.

Answers: 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

Reading and Writing

4. Copy and complete (p. 28, ex. 3).

Pupils open their copybooks and copy the sentences finishing them.

Tell pupils they can use the information from the text. Ask some pupils to write the sentences down on the board.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.


1. 5 to 11.

2. at nine.

3. half past eleven or at one o’clock.

4. on the carpet on the floor.

5. to play outdoors during breaks.

5. Read and name (p. 28, ex. 4).

Ask pupils to read the explanations of some words and guess them.

If it is difficult for them, write the key words of the board or stick the flashcards to help pupils to understand the meaning of the words.

Pupils read the descriptions and guess the meaning of the words.


A) a uniform;

B) Tuesday;

C) Saturday and Sunday;

D) PT;

E) Wednesday;

F) Art.

Revise “Present Simple positive and negative” using the Section ‘Remember’.

Read the sentences individually. Pay pupils’ attention to the third person singular.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

6. Listen and read (p. 29, ex. 5).

Tell pupils they are going to read the verbs in the Infinitive and the third person singular. Pay pupils’ attention to the pronunciation of the third person singular.

Pupils listen and read. Then ask pupils to compare the sounds /&/, /z/ and /iz/, when they must pronounce them.

Ending the Lesson

7. Interview your friend. Talk about his/her school (p. 29, ex. 6).

Pair work: Pupils read the questions to each other and answer them.

Then they take turns to ask and answer in the same way, using their own answers.

Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs using their own answers. Go around the class helping with the pronunciation.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue, and so on.

Repeat with several different pupils.

Then ask some pupils to describe their classmates using the information which they have learned.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.


Read p. 27, ex. 1; p. 29, ex. 5.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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