Біля моря


Lesson 7

Тема. Біля моря


Навчальна: закріпити вживання лексико-граматичних структур, формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови, удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, усного мовлення; формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, удосконалювати компетенції усного монологічного мовлення;

Розвивальна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до нових лексичних одиниць, передбачених у цьому уроці; допомогти їм бути розкутими в спілкуванні, поповнити лексичний запас; дати змогу учням

використати загальні знання; залучити до роботи учнів усього класу;

Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, риси характеру: доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до однокласників, культуру спілкування, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: сімейні фото, картки за темою та плакат.

Хід уроку


1. Start a months-of-the-year chain round the class, like in the previous lesson.


2. Listen and repeat (p. 76, ex. 1).

Stick the sea poster to the board. Teach the words, using the flashcards: “a rock”, “a coast”, “a shell”, etc.

Point at the flashcard so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round the room and show it to the pupils.

Say every word clearly.


choral and individual repetition. Use the same procedure three or four times.

Write the words and put the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to spell the words.


3. Read (p. 76, ex. 2).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture. Ask, “What is this?”

Read the text. Pupils listen.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Mime or translate words or word combinations into their native language if the sentences are difficult to understand.

Ask the pupils to read the text after you. Do choral and individual repetition. Picture dictation: Take turns to read the text and draw a crab on the board.


4. Choose and say (p. 76, ex. 3).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers.

Key: 1. a crab; 2. ten; 3. the sand.

5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 77, ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture of the crab on the board.

Read the questions. Pupils listen. Mime the answers or point at the pictures.

In pairs, pupils read and answer the questions. One or two pairs act out the questions.

6. Find and say (p. 77, ex. 5).

This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English.

Read the text (p. 76, ex. 2) again.

Find the “C c” words.

Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time.

Spell the “C c” words.

7. Write. Answer the questions (p. 77, ex. 6).

Tell the pupils to copy down the questions.

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

Ask the exemplary pupils to write the answers on the board.

Tell the pupils to read the questions and answers.


8. Speak English (p. 77, ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to use the summer photos and say the summer words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the sea photos. Stick them to the board. Describe summer using the photos. Use the sentences from the exercise.

Name the summer clothes. Draw a suitcase on the board and “put” summer clothes into it.


Describe summer holidays. Draw a picture.

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