Choosing a Route

Unit Four: Travelling

4.1. Choosing a Route

Word Bank

Phrase Bank

Communication Box

To search








To do merry-go-round

To go on the roller-coaster

To put tip a tent to make a fire

To be a great “outdoors”

To be a big fan of nature

Isn’t it wonderful to…!

Makes no difference to me.

As long as…

Nothing of the kind.

… and what not.

Let’s wait and see.

I. Conversation Warm-up.

Look and say what route you would like to choose for your weekend trip. Why?

Choosing a Route

Choosing a Route


I would like to take a walking trip out of town, because I like nature.

II. Pronunciation Warm-up.

Read and practise the sounds /r/ and /і/- Say what you can do to find your dream.


Climb every mountain,

Search every stream,

Follow every rainbow

Till you find your dream.

III. Grammar Smart.

1) Look and recall!

1) Use the preposition by and no article to say how you can get to your destination: to go by car / bus/ plane / air / sea, etc.

Example: We can get there by car / bus / train / plane.

2) Use the preposition on and no article to say that you can get somewhere by walking: …. on foot.

Example: – Can I get there on foot?

– Sure. It’s just a few minutes walking from here.

A) Play a grammar trio game.

Play in trios. Take turns naming a place in your town / village. Your classmates will say how long it will take them to get there by transport or on foot.

Example: A: The railway station.

B: It will take me twenty minutes to get to the railway station by bus.


It will take me an hour to get there on foot.

B) Say where you normally go:

By car; by bus; by plane; by train;

By bike; on foot.

2) Read and remember!

If you want to talk about travelling, use these common expressions with no article after a preposition:

– to / from school

– from home

– to I in I from / out of town

– on holiday

Example: Does your family usually go away on holiday or do you stay in town?

A) Play a grammar contrast game.

Example: A: I always go to school on foot.

В: I always get home from school by tram.

B) Look at the picture and say:

1. Where these people are going;

2. What transport some of them are using;

3. How long it may take them to get to their destination.

Choosing a Route

Example: The man over there is riding a bicycle.

VI. Word Smart.

Choosing a Route

To choose a route;

To pack a rucksack;

To make a fire;

To plan a trip;

To put up a tent;

To cook on fire.

Choosing a Route

To swing in the park;

To do merry-go-round;

To go on the roller-coaster;

To amuse oneself.

1) Study the words (p. 97-98) and say:

A) how you can amuse yourself in town;

Example: I can swing in the park.

B) what route you can choose for your weekend trip out of town;

Example: I can go to a valley.

C) what you can do out of town.

Example: I can put up a tent near a river.

2) Describe any destination you like in the picture and let your friends guess. Cover these questions:

1. What does it look like?

2. How can we get there?

3. What can we do in that place?

Choosing a Route

Example: It is long and deep. We can get there by car. We can take a boat trip there.

At home: Think and decide on your route for a weekend trip. Write:

1) what your destination is;

2) how you can get there;

3) what you can do there.

Go to Ex. 53, 54 of your Workbook

V. Time to Listen and Read.

1. Listen to / read the conversation of two classmates and say what routes the children discussed.


It’s autumn. The classmates want to take a nice weekend trip. Paul and Lucy are planning a route for it.

Paul: Isn’t it wonderful that we are all going on a trip on Saturday!

Lucy: Terrific! We’ll have the time of our lives! Where shall we go?

Paul: Makes no difference to me as long as we get together.

Lucy: Nothing of the kind. We need to plan our route ahead.

Paul: What are the options?

Lucy: I think there are two of them: to stay in town or to go out of town.

Paul: Let’s stay in town and go to an amusement park. I haven’t been there for ages. We can swing, do merry-go-round, go on the roller-coaster or a Ferris wheel and what not.

Lucy: It’s a pity to stay in town in such wonderful weather. We can’t lose the chance to enjoy one of the last days of Indian summer. Why don’t we go to a pond or a stream, put up a tent there, make a fire and cook fish soup on it? And besides, I am a great “outdoors”!

Paul: I am not a big fan of nature, you know, but there is something in what you say. These are the days to tempt anyone out. Let’s talk to our classmates first, and then decide on the final route.

Lucy: Agreed. I bet they would like to go out of town.

Paul: Let’s wait and see.

Across Culture: the USA

Choosing a Route

Roller-coaster – американські гірки, популярний атракціон у парках.

Choosing a Route

Ferris wheel – колесо огляду.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What are the classmates going to do on Saturday?

2. What options are the children discussing?

3. What pluses of staying in town does one of the friends mention?

4. What does the other friend like to do out of town?

5. How are they going to make a decision?

3. Complete the sentences about a weekend trip and compare them to your experience.

Example: Isn’t it wonderful that… / -> Isn’t it wonderful that we are all going on a trip on Saturday! I love weekend trips, too.

1. We need to plan….

2. Let’s go to… .

3. We can… and what not.

4. Why don’t we go to… ?

5. We can’t lose the chance to… .

6. It’s a pity to… .

VI. Time to Communicate.

A) Look at the pictures and describe the two options for choosing a route as if you are Lucy/Steve.

Choosing a Route

To go out of town;

To tempt anyone out;

To put up a tent;

To make a fire;

To be a big fan of nature.

To stay in town;

To go to an amusement park;

To swing;

To go on the roller-coaster; not

To lose the chance.

B) In pairs, talk about choosing a route as in the pattern below,


A: Isn’t it wonderful to… ?

B: Terrific! Where… ?

A: Makes no difference to me…..

B: We need to plan… .

A: What are the… ?

В: I think….

A: Let’s… .

B: Agreed.

C) Speak about the Ukrainian weekend traditions.

VII. Time to Listen.

Listen to six people talking about their weekend trip and say who was happy with the chosen route.

VIII. Time to Write.

Draw the local map and describe the route of your latest weekend trip. Follow the format below.


…is located in… .

It is easy to reach by… / on… .

It is just a few minutes walking from….

You can find… .

Continue on the road… .

The route will be marked by… .

Go to Ex. 55, 56 of your Workbook

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