Collecting Shells
Lesson 12.3 Collecting Shells
1. What do/don’t you take with you when you travel?
When I travel, I take a ticket with me.
Clothes | Sea | Swimsuit |
Train | Shells | Camera |
Plane | Ticket | Museum |
Car | Friends | Beach |
2. Match these actions to the words in Task 1.
Pack clothes
Pack | Dive | Take photos |
Swim | Have fun | Buy |
Meet | Go by | Visit |
Collect | Sunbathe | Have a rest |
When I travel, I buy a ticket.
3. Fill in the gaps with these words.
What How Where Who
What did you visit in the city? – A museum.
… did you pack when you travelled? – Clothes.
… did you go to the seaside? – By plane.
… did you swim? – In the sea.
… did you buy before travelling? – Swimsuit.
… did you meet at the seaside? – Friends.
… did you do with camera at the seaside? – Took photos.
… did you go with shells? – I collected them.
4. Ask your partner. Let your partner answer.
5. Describe the picture with these words:
Crab | Sharp | Pinch |
Shells | Pick | Alive |
6. Listen and look at the picture. Correct 4 mistakes in
7. Make up questions.
What / Baby Bear / see – What did Baby Bear see?
1. what / Baby Bear / want to do / shells
2. what shells / Papa Bear and Baby Bear / see
3. what / Papa Bear / pick up
4. what / the crab / want to do
5. why / the crab / get angry
6. what rule / Papa Bear / make
8. Listen to the text again and answer the questions from Task 7.
9. Write about your travelling. Use the words from Tasks 1 and 2.
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