Давайте Знайомитися!

Lesson 1. Давайте Знайомитися!


    навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою “Моя сім’я і друзі”; повторити букви і звуки англійського алфавіту, транскрипційні знаки, повторити мовні вирази знайомства та вітання; повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, граматичні структури, формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; ознайомитися з римами за темами “Знайомство”, “Цифри”, “Алфавіт”; розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; вміння вести бесіду, слухати
    співрозмовника, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, навички письма латинськими буквами; виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні при вивченні іноземної мови; виховувати дисципліну та звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

Обладнання: тематичний плакат “Алфавіт”, “Моя сім’я”.

Хід уроку


Greet pupils as they arrive into the classroom and settle down. Say “Hello! Come in, please. Sit down, please. How are you? Welcome back!” Say, “Hello, I’m (Miss / Mrs / Mr) …” two or three times pointing at yourself and say your name. Pair work: Pupils introduce themselves to their neighbours in the same way, “Hello, I’m Masha / Sasha / Max / Ivan. How are you? Welcome back!”


pupils to make dialogues:

– Hello! I am… What is your name?

– Hi! I am….

– How are you?

– I’m fine, thank you. etc.

Let individual pupils go out of the classroom door and come back in again, saying, “Hello! I am… What is your name? How are you? Welcome back!”

Ask pupils to come to the front of the classroom and act out a simple dialogue.


Listen and chant the rhyme (p. 4, ex. 1).

Ask pupils to open the books and look at the pictures of the exercise. Ask questions about the children in the picture, e. g. “Do you remember these children? Do you remember their names?” Listen to the rhyme, pausing after each line of the rhyme for pupils to repeat.

After reading ask your pupils to answer the questions, “Are they happy? Are they nice?”

Divide the pupils in pairs.

Pupils practice acting out the rhyme in their own pairs using their own answers to the questions.

Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation and grammar.

Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the class and act out the rhyme using their own answers.

Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!”


Listen and point to the right name (p. 4, ex. 2).

Tell pupils to look at the letters.

Read the letters. Pupils repeat.

Then stick the letters on the board and ask pupils to read them together.

Then ask, “Are these words the children’s names? Do you remember Vicky/Bill/Taras? Why do we write the names with the capital letter?”

Pupils answer. If it is difficult, pupils can answer the native language.

Ask pupils to read and practice the names individually and chorally.

Spell the names (p. 4, ex. 3).

Tell pupils to look at the letters.

Read the letters together making names. Pupils repeat.

Ask pupils to read the names individually and chorally.

Then pay the pupils’ attention at the Section ‘Remember’.

Read the examples.

Ask any girl and any boy to go to the board. Say the patterns using the children’s names.

The class listens and repeats.

Then write some pupils’ names on the board and ask pupils to read the names individually and chorally.

Listen and complete (p. 5, ex. 4).

Ask pupils to listen and read the text using the words from the box and complete the gaps.

After that ask, “What’s the girl’s name? How old is she? What’s her telephone number?”

Transfer*: In some lessons more ‘open’ and varied questions are suggested to be used for asking pupils about what they can see in the pictures on the page or what they have read or heard. It can often also be developed to ask pupils about themselves, their own situation and experience. Using pupils’ personal information, this transfer makes the use of English obviously meaningful for them and is strongly recommended wherever possible.

Write the text of the dialogue with the same gaps on the board. Ask pupils to add the necessary words about Olena using the words from the box.

Then ask pupils to read the dialogue in pairs.

Transfer: Ask pupils to make their own dialogues using the information about themselves. Ask them to use the questions from the text.

Read and speak about the girl (p. 5, ex. 5).

Ask pupils to read the text about the boy in silence.

Ask a bright pupil to describe Bill.

Then ask pupils to read some information about Mary Brown in the box.

If it is difficult to your pupils to make a description of this girl, write the beginnings of the sentences on the board.

Pupils read them and complete with the necessary words from the box.

Ask two or three pupils to retell the story about Mary Brown.

Ending the Lesson

Say, “Close your books, please”. Then say “Goodbye!” several times. Pupils repeat after you two or three times. Make sure that they understand you. Tell pupils to say “Goodbye!” to you.


Read (p. 4-5, ex. 1, 4).

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


* Transfer: Pupils, in pairs or groups, ask and answer about their personal information.

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