Lesson 29


Answer the questions. (Дай відповіді на запитання.)

1. What season is it? – It is autumn now.

2. What autumn months do you know? – I know September, October, November.

3. Is it the first or the last autumn month? – It is the last autumn month.

4. How many days does November have? – November has 30 days.

5. Is it cold or chilly today? – It is chilly today.

6. Is the sky blue or grey? – The sky is grey (blue).

7. Is the sun shining today? – Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.)

8. Is it raining today? – Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.)

9. What can you say about the leaves on the trees? – The leaves on the trees are brown.

10. Do you like November? Why? – I don’t like November because the weather is bad, it often rains, it is cold.


Carrot, potato, tomato, beet,


Lessons 30-31


B) 1. Where did John see Jane’s grandmother? – John saw Jane’s grandmother in the street.

2. What did she have in her hand? – She had a basket in her hand.

3. What did John do? – John went up to the basket and took one apple.

4. What apple did she want to give to John? – She wanted to give to John a very nice big apple.

5. Did John take this apple? – No, he didn’t.

Lessons 32-33


1) What colour is an apple? – An apple is green.

2) What colour are pears? – Pears are yellow.

3) What colour is a plum? – A plum is dark blue.

4) What colour are cherries? – Cherries are dark red.

5) What colour is an apricot? – An apricot is orange.

6) What colour is a peach? – A peach is orange.

7) What colour are lemons? – Lemons are yellow.

8) What colour is an orange? – An orange is orange.

9) What colour are tangerines? – Tangerines are orange.


Солодка абрикоса

– a sweet apricot,

Абрикосове дерево – an apricot-tree,

Великий персик – a big peach,

Стиглий персик – a ripe peach,

Гарний апельсин – a good orange,

Жовтий лимон – a yellow lemon,

Маленькі мандарини – a small tangerine,

Фруктові дерева – fruit trees,

Червоне яблуко – a red apple,

Сині сливи – blue plums,

Жовті черешні – yellow cherries,

Гарні груші – good pears,

Зимовий сад – a winter garden.


Великий жовтий виноград – big ripe grapes,

Кислий грейпфрут – a sour grape-fruit,

Солодкий банан – a sweet banana,

Стиглий ананас – a ripe pine-apple,

Гарний гранат – a good pomegranate,

Кисле яблуко – a sour apple.


B) 1. Where does the orange-tree grow? – The orange-tree grows in the south.

2. What does it look like? – It is tall tree with shining green leaves.

3. How long does the tree live? – It lives very long, more than four hundred years.

4. How many oranges can one tree give? – One tree can give twenty five thousand oranges.

5. When do oranges ripe? – The fruit does not ripe till spring and it is on the tree till to blossoms of another crop.

6. What are oranges like when they are ripe? – When they are ripe, the oranges are sweet and good to eat.


I like apricots, bananas, pine-apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, and tangerines because they are sweet and tasty.

Lessons 34-35


B) 1) They are playing tennis.

2) I saw them in the park.

3) Put them on the shelf.

4) They are on the desks.

5) It is very interesting.

6) She went to the zoo.

7) I am reading a book to her.

8) I want to play football with them.

9) I don’t know him.

10) He is the best pupil in our town.


1) I like strawberries because they are sweet.

2) I don’t like white currants because they are sour.

3) I like yellow gooseberries because they are good.

4) I like red raspberries because they are sweet.

5) I don’t like black berries because they are bad.

6) I don’t like green strawberries because they are bitter.


1. Я зателефоную йому після уроків. – I’ll telephone him after lessons.

2. Допоможи мені, будь

Ласка, одягнути пальто. – Help me, please, to put on a coat.

3. Наша бабуся допомагає нам по господарству. – Our grandmother helps us about the house.

4. Вона хоче тебе бачити в суботу. – She wants to see you on Saturday.

Lessons 36-37


B) We, you, I, it, my, they.

Lessons 38-39


1) My sister doesn’t like juice.

2) We don’t grow melons in our garden.

3) I don’t have many books about berries.

4) Olya isn’t picking berries in the forest now.

5) They didn’t water flowers yesterday.


Множина іменників утворюється додаванням до форми однини закінчення – s. Іменники, що в однині мають закінчення “у” після приголосної, у множині мають закінчення – ies: a story – stories. Якщо перед буквою “у” стоїть голосна, то множина утворюється додаванням закінчення – s: a boy – boys. Іменники, що закінчуються на: – s, – ss, – х, – sh, – ch у множині мають закінчення – es: an abacus – abacuses.


Water-melons – water-melon, berries – berry, apples – apple, currants – currant, bananas – banana, pomegranates – pomegranate, raspberries – raspberry, peaches – peach, oranges – orange, tangerines – tangerine.


1. Our family has a garden near the house.

2. There is a nice fruit garden near our school.

3. We don’t grow lemons in the room.

4. Berries are small fruits which grow in the gardens and in the forests.

5. Little children usually like sweet juice.

Lesson 40


Біля нашої школи є чудовий сад. – There is a nice garden near our school.

Там росте багато фруктових дерев. – Many fruit – trees grow there.

У нашому саду є яблуні, груші, вишні, сливи, абрикоси (дерева). – There are apple-trees, pear – trees, cherry-trees, plum-trees in our garden.

Учні нашої школи поливають маленькі дерева. – Pupils of our school water small trees.

Восени вони допомагають збирати фрукти. – They help to pick fruits in autumn.

Ми дуже любимо свій сад. – We like our garden very much.


Fruits: a cherry, a pear, an apple, an orange, a watermelon, a plum, a tangerine, a banana, a pomegranate, a lemon, a peach, a blackberry, a raspberry, a pineapple, an apricot, grapes, a white currant, a strawberry.

Vegetables: a tomato, an onion, a cucumber, garlic, a potato, a cabbage, a beet, a carrot, a radish.

Lesson 41


1. A cherry is green when it’s ripe. – No, it isn’t. A cherry is red when it is ripe.

2. A ripe watermelon is white. – No, it isn’t. A ripe water-melon is green.

3. A ripe melon is sour. – No, it isn’t. A ripe melon is sweet.

4. Fruit trees are growing near our school. – Yes, they are. Fruit trees are growing near our school.

5. Lemon juice is very sweet. – No, it isn’t. Lemon juice is very sour.

6. We grow oranges and tangerines in our garden. – No, we don’t. We don’t grow oranges and tangerines in our garden.

7. Potato and beet are fruits. – No, they are not. Potato and beet are vegetables.

8. Small berries are fruits. – Yes, they are. Small berries are fruits.

9. Apples and pears are vegetables. – No, they are not. Apples and pears are fruits.

10. People pick ripe grapes in spring. – No, they don’t. They pick ripe grapes in autumn.


1. Give me your exercise-book.

2. Don’t give him my English book.

3. Show them our felt-pens.

4. Don’t show us his calculator.

5. Give her her pencil-sharpener.

6. Show me your day book.

7. Don’t give them my eraser.


1) Ти можеш допомогти своєму однокласнику зробити уроки? – Can you help your classmate to do lessons? – Yes, I can.

2) Ти використовуєш калькулятор на уроках англійської мови? – Do you use the calculator on English lessons? – No, I don’t.

3) Чи ростуть у наших садах банани і ананаси? – Do bananas and pine-apples grow in our gardens? – No, they don’t.

4) Чи працюють учні вашого класу в шкільному саду? – Do pupils of your form work in the school garden? – Yes, they do.

5) Коли ми зриваємо стиглі груші? – When we pick ripe pears? – We pick them in autumn.

6) Ягоди – це фрукти чи овочі? – Are berries fruits or vegetables? – They are fruits.

7) Хто повинен поливати квіти у класі? – Who must water the flower in the classroom? – Pupils must do it.

6. Grape, melon, apple, lemon, currants, raspberries, plump.

Lessons 42-43


B) 1. Oleh picked eleven pears. Vasyl picked thirteen pears. How many pears did the boys pick?

7 + 13= 20.

The boys picked twenty pears.

2. Fifteen fruit-trees are growing in our garden. Twenty fruit-trees are growing in my friend’s garden. How many fruit-trees are growing in two gardens?

15 + 20 = 35.

Thirty five fruit-trees are growing in two gardens.

3. There are twenty cherries and thirty plums on the table. How many cherries and plums are there on the table?

20 + 30 = 50.

There are fifty cherries and plums on the table.

4. You can see seven bananas and two pine-apples in the picture. How many fruits can you see in the picture?

7 + 2 = 9.

I can see nine fruits in the picture.


The Present Perfect Tense утворюється за допомогою дієслова to have в Present Indefinite (have, has) і 3-ї форми відмінюваного дієслова. 3-я форма правильних дієслів утворюється додаванням до них закінчення – ed (без частки to): to work – worked. 3-я форма неправильних дієслів наводиться в таблиці відмінювання неправильних дієслів: to be – been.


1. Я вже вдягнула пальто. – I have already put on my coat.

2. Він тільки що пішов у парк. – Не has just come to the park.

3. Вони навчалися в цій школі

З першого класу. – They have studied at this school since the first form.

4. Вона читала цю книжку. – She has read this book.

5. Мама полила квіти сьогодні ввечері. – Mother has watered the flowers this evening.

Lessons 44-45


Заперечна форма Present Perfect утворюється за допомогою частки not, яка ставиться після дієслова have (has): I have not (haven’t) been to London.

Для утворення питальної форми Present Perfect дієслово have (has) ставиться перед підметом: Have you ever been to London?


1) Have you ever been to London? – No, I haven’t.

2) Have your classmates ever been to Canada? – No, they haven’t.

3) Has your father ever been to Almaty? – No, he hasn’t.

4) Has your mother ever been to Zhytomir? – No, she hasn’t.

5) Has your friend ever been to Chernivtsy. – No, he hasn’t.

6) Have your ever been to Y>

7) Have your classmates ever been to Luhansk? – No, they haven’t.

8) Has your friend ever been to America? – No, he hasn’t.


1. Хто відчинив вікно сьогодні вранці? – Who has opened the window this morning?

2. Я не бачив його два дні. – I haven’t seen him for two days.

3. Ти жив у цьому місті тривалий час? – Have you lived in this town for a long time?

4. Мама ще не прийшла з роботи. – Mother has not come from her work yet.


1) Little boy, have you got a handkerchief? – Маленький хлопчику, ти маєш хустинку?

2) Yes, I’ve got a clean handkerchief. – Так, я маю чисту хустинку.

Lessons 46-47


B) 1. What is the English for? (Як буде англійською мовою?)

Вівця – sheep, вівчарка – sheep-dog, чудовий пес – a beautiful dog, подружитися – to make friends, стежити за – to look after, стерегти – to watch, вірний друг – a faithful friend, розказувати оповідання – to tell the story, після обіду – after dinner, йти додому – go home.


1. Have they spent their holidays in the village? They have not spent their holidays in the village.

2. Has he helped me to do the sum? – He has not helped me to do the sum.

3. Has our family had breakfast? – Our family has not had breakfast.

4. Have children drawn fruits? – Children have not drawn fruits.

5. Have I read the book about Robinson Crusou? – I haven’t read the book about Robinson Crusou.

6. Has their grandmother grown tomatoes in the kitchen? – Their grandmother has not grown tomatoes in the kitchen.

7. Has Nina pressed her dress? – Nina has not pressed her dress.

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