Family album
1.1. Family album
P. 13-14
Grammar Smart
1. Me grandparents are in the garden now.
2.The baby girl is so sweet.
3 .Tim is a very caring brother.
4. The children are in the kindergarten now.
5. Why am I in this photo?
P. 16
Word Smart
B) My grandpa is wise.
My uncle is friendly.
My aunt is caring.
My grandma is the heart of the family.
My little brother is everybody’s pet. Etc.
Time to read
Ex.2, p.17
1. elder
2. older
3. elder
4. older
5. older
6. elder
Ex.3, p.18
Lidia is everybody’s pet.
Ann is cute.
Boris is very caring.
Granny is kind and wise.
Time to communicate
A. Hi there! How was your holiday?
B. Oh! It was fantastic. I was visiting my grandparents.
A. Did you get to know the relatives on your dad’s side?
B. Sure. I met my cousin and my little niece. And did you get to know your relatives on you mum’s side?
A. of course. It was my aunt. She is kind and friendly.
D. Unfortunately time has passed so quickly.
A. By the way, would you like to see the photos of my relatives/
B. I’d love to. Let’s go.
Time to write
Hi, there! Meet my family. Here is our family reunion. These are my grandparents on my Dad’s side. My grandpa is wise and my grandma is caring. We are all here in there house in Odessa.
This is my Dad. He is reading. He is very clever and strong. Here is my Mum. She is knitting( it’s her hobby) she is kind and helpful.
This is my little sister. She is everybody’s pet.
I love my family. We all are happy and friendly.
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