Глобальне потепління, озонова діра, парниковий ефект


    Повторити ЛО теми. Повторити граматичний матеріал. Продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів. Удосконалювати навички читання. Розвивати ерудицію учнів. Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до природи та усвідомлення важливості охорони довкілля.

Обладнання: Підручник, дошка, зошит.



1. Прив і тання.

Т: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

2. Пов і домлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: At this lesson we’ll continue to study the topic “It’s your planet”. And you’ll get to know about

the activities of some environmental organizations.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


1) What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals?

A) Smog. c) Monsoon rain.

B) Acid rain. d) Seasonal rain.

2)What is the term used to describe a substance that can be broken down and eaten up by microorganisms like bacteria?

A) Compound. c) Biodegradable.

B) Environmentally friendly. d) Recycled.

3) We all know that the Kaziranga sanctuary is a place where rhinos can live safely away from hunters. What is the term used for such careful use and protection of nature?

A) Biofriendly. c) Degradation.

B) Ecofriendly. d) Conservation.

4) What is the natural environment of a living organism called?

A) Habitat. c) Environment.

B) Surroundings. d) Biosphere.

5) Most of the oil that we use is imported into our country from other nations. The oil is carried in huge seagoing tankers. Sometimes these tankers get damaged and the oil leaks into the oceans

and seas. What is such an accidental discharge
of oil into water bodies called?

A) Water pollution. c) Oil leak.

B) Oil spill. d) Tanker leak.

6) What is the process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials called?

A) Recycling. c) Reusing.

B) Reworking. d) Reprocessing.

7) Name the phenomenon because of which the Earth’s atmospheric temperature is increasing causing widespread environmental changes?

A) Atmospheric effect. c) Geothermal effect.

B) Greenhouse effect. d) Biothermal effect

Key: lb; 2c; 3d; 4d; 5c; 6a; 7b.

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Впр.5 с.150.

Учні доповнюють текст своїми твердженнями.


1 . Подання тексту для читання.

1) Підготовка до читання.

Учні повторюють слова. Декілька учнів пишуть слова на дошці.

2) Читання.

Впр.2 с.151.

Учні читають текст.

3) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Учні визначають ціль написання тексту, та обирають необхідне дієслово.

2. Розвиток усного мовлення.

1) Впр.3 с.152.

Учні працюють в парах, відповідають на питання.

2) Впр.5 с.153.

Учні самостійно читають текст, а потім разом з класом обговорюють його.

3 . Подання тексту впр.4 с.152 для читання.

1) Читання.

Впр.4а с.152-153.

Учні читають текст, обираючи потрібне останнє речення для кожного абзацу.

2) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Впр.4b с.153.

Учні відповідають на питання.

4.Повторення граматичного матеріалу ( активний і пасивний стан дієслів).

Впр.1 с.151.

Утворити пасивні та активні речення.


1 Домашнє завдання.

Впр.6 с.154 підготувати проектну роботу.

2Підведення підсумків уроку.


    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…
    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would..
    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…
    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…
    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…
    If I saw somebody throwing an empty packet on the street, I would… If I discovered the factory I worked at was secretly polluting the environment, I would… If I were the Minister for the Environment, I would… If I were a fisherman, I would… If I could not eat tinned tuna fish, I would… If I lived on an island, I would… If a nuclear bomb exploded, I would… If they tried to build a nuclear power station near my house, I would… If I lived in a jungle, I would… If I were an endangered species, I would… If I had to light my fire with either coal or wood, I would… If I had to travel to school by car or by public transport, I would…


1) What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals?

A) Smog. c) Monsoon rain.

B) Acid rain. d) Seasonal rain.

2)What is the term used to describe a substance that can be broken down and eaten up by microorganisms like bacteria?

A) Compound. c) Biodegradable.

B) Environmentally friendly. d) Recycled.

3) We all know that the Kaziranga sanctuary is a place where rhinos can live safely away from hunters. What is the term used for such careful use and protection of nature?

A) Biofriendly. c) Degradation.

B) Ecofriendly. d) Conservation.

4) What is the natural environment of a living organism called?

A) Habitat. c) Environment.

B) Surroundings. d) Biosphere.

5) Most of the oil that we use is imported into our country from other nations. The oil is carried in huge seagoing tankers. Sometimes these tankers get damaged and the oil leaks into the oceans and seas. What is such an accidental discharge
of oil into water bodies called?

A) Water pollution. c) Oil leak.

B) Oil spill. d) Tanker leak.

6) What is the process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials called?

A) Recycling. c) Reusing.

B) Reworking. d) Reprocessing.

7) Name the phenomenon because of which the Earth’s atmospheric temperature is increasing causing widespread environmental changes?

A) Atmospheric effect. c) Geothermal effect.

B) Greenhouse effect. d) Biothermal effect


1) What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals?

A) Smog. c) Monsoon rain.

B) Acid rain. d) Seasonal rain.

2)What is the term used to describe a substance that can be broken down and eaten up by microorganisms like bacteria?

A) Compound. c) Biodegradable.

B) Environmentally friendly. d) Recycled.

3) We all know that the Kaziranga sanctuary is a place where rhinos can live safely away from hunters. What is the term used for such careful use and protection of nature?

A) Biofriendly. c) Degradation.

B) Ecofriendly. d) Conservation.

4) What is the natural environment of a living organism called?

A) Habitat. c) Environment.

B) Surroundings. d) Biosphere.

5) Most of the oil that we use is imported into our country from other nations. The oil is carried in huge seagoing tankers. Sometimes these tankers get damaged and the oil leaks into the oceans and seas. What is such an accidental discharge
of oil into water bodies called?

A) Water pollution. c) Oil leak.

B) Oil spill. d) Tanker leak.

6) What is the process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials called?

A) Recycling. c) Reusing.

B) Reworking. d) Reprocessing.

7) Name the phenomenon because of which the Earth’s atmospheric temperature is increasing causing widespread environmental changes?

A) Atmospheric effect. c) Geothermal effect.

B) Greenhouse effect. d) Biothermal effect

Ви зараз читаєте: Глобальне потепління, озонова діра, парниковий ефект