Lesson 22
Lesson 22
Personal Pronouns (особові займенники) | ‘ | ||
Називний відмінок | Об’єктний відмінок | ||
I | We | Me | Us |
You | You | You | You |
He | They | Him | Them |
She | Her | ||
It | It |
1. Look at the pictures and remember the pronouns.
2. Read and do.
1. Show me your exercise book.
2. Give him your English book.
3. Tell us about your friend.
4. Hand her a pen.
3. You are at your friend’s birthday party. Work in pairs. Make up and role-play similar conversations.
Model: He: Have some fish,
You: No, thanks, but can I have some ham and mashed potatoes, please?
He: Of course you can. Here you are.
Use these words and word combinations:
Bread, butter and ham/egg and cheese sandwich
Pork chops and salad/tomato and cheese pizza
Sausage and mashed potatoes/chips and fish
Pizza/roast beef
Biscuits/apple pie
Fruit salad/ice cream
Ice cream/cake
Juice/milk cocktail
4. Complete the following sentences with some or any.
1. Have you got… oranges? 2. I’d like… mineral water, please. 3. I don’t have… money with me. 4. Is there… water? 5. We’ve got chicken but we haven’t got… salad. 6. I’ll get you… bread, if you like.
5. Look at the pictures and write down the sentences to describe them. Use him, her, them.
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