Lesson 23
Lesson 23
1. Listen, read and remember the words.
Great | /greɪt/ | Чудовий |
Wonderful | /ˈwʌndəfʊl/ | Дивовижний |
Fantastic | /fænˈtæstɪk/ | Фантастичний |
Terrible | /ˈtɛrəbl/ | Жахливий |
Awful | /ˈɔːfʊl/ | Жахливий |
Disgusting | /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ/ | Огидний |
Tasty | /ˈteɪsti/ | Смачний |
Untasty | /ˌʌnˈteɪsti/ | Несмачний |
2. Make
I think | Pie Lettuce Beefsteak Roast beef Chicken Fish Pork chops Mashed potatoes Cheese Omelette Onion Tomato Garlic | Is Are | Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. Terrible. Awful. Disgusting. Tasty. Untasty. |
3. Make up and act out a short dialogue.
Model: A: How about having some milk cocktail?
В: I think it’s untasty. I’d rather have some orange juice.
4. Read the text. Note down all factors of young people’s unhe>
Most young people today, unfortunately, have very unhe>
Another contributing factor to young people’s unhe>
(from Upstream Intermediate)
5. Skim through your notes and discuss them in small groups.
6. Look at the pictures and describe them.
7. Highlight three or four sentences which amused you in the passage. Explain why they amused you.
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