Lesson 36
Lesson 36
1. Use the words from the box and complete the chart. Do it in your exercise book.
To paint, sewing, to embroider, singer, to collect, to hike, painting,
Embroiderer, music, to sew, singing, to play an instrument, hiker,
Sewer, collecting, hiking, musician, collector, embroidery
Activity | Action | The doer of the action |
Knitting Singing | To knit | Knitter |
2. What do we call people who do these activities?
Hobby | Person |
1. Cooking | Cook |
2. Photography | |
3. Acting | |
4. Dancing | |
5. Cycling | |
6. Mounteneering | |
7. | Tennis player |
8. Swimming | |
9. Boxing |
3. Read about what British people like to do in their free time.
The British are known as a nation of gardeners. Most people have a garden on their property.
Many people in Britain are proud of their houses and gardens. They want them to look nice. Every town in Britain has one or more DIY (Do It Yourself) centres and garden centres. These are like supermarkets for the home and garden. These places are very popular with British home-owners on the weekends.
4. Describe the picture.
5. Look at the chart. Compare and contrast leisure activities and hobbies in both countries. Use phrases given below.
1. In… whereas in… .
2. … in comparison to… .
3. >
4. Both… and… .
Great Britain | Ukraine |
1. watching television 2. entertaining friends 3. shopping 4. gardening 5. eating out | 1. watching television 2. entertaining friends 3. hiking 4. embroidery 5. taking photos |
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