Мистецтво: спосіб самовираження чи засіб розваги?


    Розширити кругозір учнів, поглибити їх знання про англійські галереї. Продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів. Удосконалювати навички читання. Розвивати навички письма. Розвивати ерудицію учнів. Виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: Підручник, дошка, картки, картина, робочий зошит.



1. Прив і тання.

Т: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

2. Пов і домлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: At this

lesson we’ll continue a topic “Art”; so today we’ll speak about the art galleries.

3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Впр.9 с.170Учні доповнюють речення.

4. Уведення в ін шомовну атмосферу.

Впр.2 с.171. Учні читають про себе частини тексту і визначають заголовок.


1.Подання тексту для читання.

1) Підготовка до читання.

Бесіда з учнями. T: What is an art gallery? Do you visit any art gallery?

2) Читання.

There are several excellent art galleries in London. You can see many of the treasures of western art, on the tour of London’s Art Galleries. The best art galleries in London, famous for their collections of paintings and sculpture are:

Tate Modern: Tate Modern is UK’s national gallery of contemporary art. Located in London, Tate Modern is one among the chain of four Tate

galleries in UK. The Tate collection consists of some of the finest collections of British art dating back from 1500 to today’s modern era.

Tate Britain: Tate Britain is one among the Tate’s chain of art galleries in UK. Tate Britain is strategically located at Millbank, Londo It boasts of a fine collection of British art, which includes works of luminaries of the stature of Blake, Constable, Spencer, Rossetti, Hogarth and Gainsborough to name just a few. There is an exclusive wing, which showcases the works of renowned artist JMW Turner. Other notable exhibits include John Waterhouse’ – “The Lady of Shalott”, John Everett Millais “Ophelia”. Recent additions at Tate Britain are the works of David Hockney, Peter Blake and Francis Bacon.

Queens Gallery: The Queens Gallery at Buckingham Palace is virtual treasure trove of art, painting, sculptures, royal furniture, books and manuscripts, jewelry etc., all of which come under the ambit of The Royal Collection. The Royal Collection reflects the taste and inclination of British roy>

National Gallery: The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of European paintings, particularly Western European painting from 1250 to the present day. A visit to the National Gallery is an education in itself which echo’s with Europe’s rich history, legends and myths. With a rich collection of 2000 plus paintings which includes the works of all the renowned European School of Paintings inclusive of masterpieces by some of Europe’s great artists, the National Gallery does have a magnetic appeal as far as art and culture is concerned.

Apart from these famous galleries, London has other galleries like National Portrait Gallery, Somerset House Galleries, Hayward Gallery, Wallace Collection, Serpentine Gallery.

3) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

Учні перекладають текст рідною мовою.

2. Відпрацювання лексичного матеріалу.

1) Впр.1 с.171. Прочитати і знайти визначення поданих слів.

2) Впр.3 с.172 Учні працюють самостійно в зошитах. Два учні працюють у дошки.

3) Впр.4 с.172. Треба доповнити речення необхідним словом.

3. Розвиток усного мовлення. Учні описують картину.


1 Домашнє завдання.

Впр.5 с.172 знайти синоніми-речення( письмово), повторити слова.

Підведення підсумків уроку.

There are several excellent art galleries in London. You can see many of the treasures of western art, on the tour of London’s Art Galleries. The best art galleries in London, famous for their collections of paintings and sculpture are:

Tate Modern: Tate Modern is UK’s national gallery of contemporary art. Located in London, Tate Modern is one among the chain of four Tate galleries in UK. The Tate collection consists of some of the finest collections of British art dating back from 1500 to today’s modern era.

Tate Britain: Tate Britain is one among the Tate’s chain of art galleries in UK. Tate Britain is strategically located at Millbank, Londo It boasts of a fine collection of British art, which includes works of luminaries of the stature of Blake, Constable, Spencer, Rossetti, Hogarth and Gainsborough to name just a few. There is an exclusive wing, which showcases the works of renowned artist JMW Turner. Other notable exhibits include John Waterhouse’ – “The Lady of Shalott”, John Everett Millais “Ophelia”. Recent additions at Tate Britain are the works of David Hockney, Peter Blake and Francis Bacon.

Queens Gallery: The Queens Gallery at Buckingham Palace is virtual treasure trove of art, painting, sculptures, royal furniture, books and manuscripts, jewelry etc., all of which come under the ambit of The Royal Collection. The Royal Collection reflects the taste and inclination of British roy>

National Gallery: The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of European paintings, particularly Western European painting from 1250 to the present day. A visit to the National Gallery is an education in itself which echo’s with Europe’s rich history, legends and myths. With a rich collection of 2000 plus paintings which includes the works of all the renowned European School of Paintings inclusive of masterpieces by some of Europe’s great artists, the National Gallery does have a magnetic appeal as far as art and culture is concerned.

Apart from these famous galleries, London has other galleries like National Portrait Gallery, Somerset House Galleries, Hayward Gallery, Wallace Collection, Serpentine Gallery.

There are several excellent art galleries in London. You can see many of the treasures of western art, on the tour of London’s Art Galleries. The best art galleries in London, famous for their collections of paintings and sculpture are:

Tate Modern: Tate Modern is UK’s national gallery of contemporary art. Located in London, Tate Modern is one among the chain of four Tate galleries in UK. The Tate collection consists of some of the finest collections of British art dating back from 1500 to today’s modern era.

Tate Britain: Tate Britain is one among the Tate’s chain of art galleries in UK. Tate Britain is strategically located at Millbank, Londo It boasts of a fine collection of British art, which includes works of luminaries of the stature of Blake, Constable, Spencer, Rossetti, Hogarth and Gainsborough to name just a few. There is an exclusive wing, which showcases the works of renowned artist JMW Turner. Other notable exhibits include John Waterhouse’ – “The Lady of Shalott”, John Everett Millais “Ophelia”. Recent additions at Tate Britain are the works of David Hockney, Peter Blake and Francis Bacon.

Queens Gallery: The Queens Gallery at Buckingham Palace is virtual treasure trove of art, painting, sculptures, royal furniture, books and manuscripts, jewelry etc., all of which come under the ambit of The Royal Collection. The Royal Collection reflects the taste and inclination of British roy>

National Gallery: The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of European paintings, particularly Western European painting from 1250 to the present day. A visit to the National Gallery is an education in itself which echo’s with Europe’s rich history, legends and myths. With a rich collection of 2000 plus paintings which includes the works of all the renowned European School of Paintings inclusive of masterpieces by some of Europe’s great artists, the National Gallery does have a magnetic appeal as far as art and culture is concerned.

Apart from these famous galleries, London has other galleries like National Portrait Gallery, Somerset House Galleries, Hayward Gallery, Wallace Collection, Serpentine Gallery.

Ви зараз читаєте: Мистецтво: спосіб самовираження чи засіб розваги?