Моя улюблена іграшка


Lesson 4

Тема. Моя улюблена іграшка


Навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, модальним дієсловом “сап” активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення;

Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам’ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків;

Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну

культуру учнів.

Обладнання: таблиця “Модальне дієслово сап”, картки до теми “Дієслова”.

Хід уроку


1. Start a Counting Chain round the class to revise the numbers 1-10. Pupils who hesitate are “out” (see Lesson 5).

2. Ask the pupils to remember and chant the ABC rhyme (see Lesson 3).


3. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 30, ex. 1).

Books closed. You need six cards with the new words.

Teach the new words. Say the words, using the pictures and miming.

Do choral and individual repetition.

Read the sentences. Then ask and answer the questions.

T. Can you fly?

P. No, I can’t.

T. Can the bear drive a bike?

P. Yes, it can. / No, it can’t.

4. Speak in class (p. 30, ex. 2).

Look at the pictures.

Ask the pupils what the children can do.

Explain what “a tick” and “a cross” mean.

Then read the examples.

Ask the pupils

to speak about themselves using the examples.

5. Play a game (p. 30, ex. 3).

Read the rules.

Ask the pupils to mime the actions. The other pupils try to guess.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.


6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 31, ex. 4).

Tell the pupils to look at the picture. In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue. Go around helping the pairs.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Praise their efforts: “Good! Well done!”


7. Complete and write (p. 31, ex. 5).

Learn the rule. Explain to the pupils when they must use the modal verb “can” and “can’t”.

Drill the answer form. Ask more questions. Pupils answer each time “Yes, I can.” / “No, I can’t.”

To teach “No, I can’t” ask questions about things that are not in the picture. Pupils answer “No.” Expand the answer to “No, I can’t” and drill the new form.

Do the task. Complete the sentences. Help the pupils to do the task well by miming and using flashcards.

Key: 2. can, can’t; 3. can, can’t; 4. can’t; 5. can, can’t; 6. can.

8. Listen and read (p. 31, ex. 6).

Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds.

Do choral and individual repetition.

9. Speak English (p. 31, ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to show their toys.

Ask the pupils to describe their toys, using the patterns.


Read any poem the pupils wish to recite or play any game the pupils wish to repeat.


Bring a favourite toy.

Do ex. 2, p. 30.

Read ex. 6, p. 31.

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