Моє улюблене заняття. Теперішній простий час (повторення)

І семестр



Тема. Моє улюблене заняття. Теперішній простий час (повторення)


– вдосконалювати навички читання та усного мовлення;

– формувати навички конкретного та логічного висловлювання з використанням вивчених лексико-граматичних структур;

– повторити граматичні структури часів Present і Past Simple, вживання фраз наповнення;

– розвивати аналітичне та критичне мислення, елементи аналізу та самоаналізу.


I. Організація класу. Привітання


Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

A) Перевірка виконання домашнього завдання, текст “Across the Channel”

B) Впр. 1, c. 110 – discuss the following questions

Are you glad to come back to school after your summer holidays? Why?

Did you meet your school friends in the summer? If not, did you miss them?

Have your friends changed since you saw them last time?

Did you have time for your holiday in the summer?

C) Bпp. 2, c. 10

Look through the description of a favorite pastime and guess what hobby it is. Read the text once more and fill in the blanks.

Do you have friends who go in for this hobby?

Have you ever been to such a festival?

Whom does this hobby suit more, girls or boys? Why?

D) Bпp. 3, c. 10-11 – “Pupils and their characters”

Answer the questions by writing Boys or Girls. If you think there

is not a single answer, write a dash (-).

– Attitudes

– Behaviour

– Likes and dislikes

– Survival in school

E) Grammar. Present Simple Active (recapitulation); respond to the following utterances using the prompt words in the brackets.

E. g. – I read “The Times”. And Tom? (“The Express”)

Tom reads “The Express”. He doesn’t read “The Times”.

I study English. And Mary? (French)

She spends very little. And Jack? (Much)

We live on the top floor. And Peter? (On the ground floor)

I visit my parents every year. And Mike? (Every month)

They finish work at 7. And your sister? (At 6)

I like tea. And you? (Milk)

They leave home at 7. And John? (At 10)

They spend their holidays in the country. And you? (In town)

George collects records. And they? (Stamps)

F) Bпp. 4, c. 11

Form 4 groups, parents, teachers, children who like sports and children who like soft sciences (humanities). Read the text and decide which school is better: School A or School B.

A. + The number of subjects is limited.

+ You may learn different languages on choice.

– Pupils get a lot of homework every day.

+ They can study in the library or join the music club.

– Nowhere to play sports.

+ The school is near the traffic.

+ Pupils don’t have to go to school on bicycles and motorbikes.

B. + Excellent sports facilities.

+ Only those pupils over 11 get homework.

– No library or music room in the school etc.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Виконати впр. 5, с. 11.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку та оцінює роботу учнів.

Ви зараз читаєте: Моє улюблене заняття. Теперішній простий час (повторення)