Мої захоплення та захоплення моїх друзів

Lesson 4. Мої захоплення та захоплення моїх друзів


– навчальна: закріпити граматичний і лексичний матеріали за підтемою “Розпорядок дня”, “Дозвілля”, “Моє хобі”, практикувати мовні засоби за підтемою “Розпорядок дня”, формування навичок вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

– розвиваюча: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь

в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам’яті – слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

– виховна: виховувати уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

Обладнання: картки за підтемою “Розпорядок дня”, “Дозвілля”, “Моє хобі”, плакат “Present Simple”.

Хід уроку


1. Game “True or false?”

Hold a flashcard facing you and tell pupils you are going to say a true or a false sentence.

Say a true or false sentence about the card in your hand, e. g. hold a picture of a basketball and say, “I like playing tennis”.

If pupils think you are telling the truth, they call out “True!” If they don’t, they call

out “False!” >

Show the flashcard in your hand, then ask a pupil to choose a flashcard without the other pupils seeing it.

Ask the pupil to say a true or false sentence about the flashcard that he/she has got.

Continue until all of the words have been practised.


2. Match the pictures with the names of the clubs (p. 46, ex. 1).

Ask pupils to look at the word combinations and read them.

Drill the words two or three times.

Then ask pupils to look at the pictures of the exercise.

Stick the flashcards of activities in one column and write the names of the clubs in the second column.

Ask pupils to match the pictures with the words on the board.

Pupils may also be asked to write sentences in their copy books using the pattern “I go in for…”


3. a) Listen and read (p. 46, ex. 2).

Ask pupils to read the speech bubbles. Pupils listen and read in silence.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

B) Say if the sentences are true or false.

Ask pupils to read the true statements only.

Answers: 1. False; 2. False; 3. False; 4. False; 5. True.

Pupils may be asked to describe the children using the sentences and the pictures from the exercise.

4. Look at the membership cards. Then say who is in what club (p. 47, ex. 3).

Explain the words ‘membership’ and ‘membership card’.

Then ask pupils to read the information from the membership cards and introduce the people using the speech bubble.

Optional activity

Game “Number activity”

Write numbers on the board. Divide the class into two teams and give a pupil from each team a piece of chalk. Say a number from 10 to 100. The first pupil to run to the board and circle the correct number wins a point for their team. This game can also be played with ‘names of the clubs’ words.

5. a) Copy the table and answer the questions about yourself (p. 48, ex. 4).

Ask pupils to complete the first column of the table answering the questions about themselves.

Then pupils introduce the info about themselves to the class.

B) Find 3 friends and ask them questions below.

Pupils are encouraged to ask 3 pupils the questions from the table. Then they complete the table using the information about their friends.

C) Speak about your friend.

Ask pupils to tell about their friends’ hobbies and about activities their friends are good or bad in.

6. Do the project ‘My Family Hobbies’ (p. 48, ex. 5).

Ask pupils to read the titles of the projects.

Ask them to choose one and describe their family hobbies using the patterns from the exercise.

Ending the Lesson

Optional activity

Game “Hangman”

Draw a blank line on the board to represent each letter of a word (e. g. for the word “family” you write __ __ __ __ __ __). Pupils call out letters.

If a letter is in the word, write the letter on the appropriate blank line. If the letter is not in the word, draw one line of the Hangman picture. Pupils must try and find all the letters in the word or guess the word before you have drawn the ten lines to complete the Hangman. Also let individual pupils choose a word (try to use the words of the Family Tree) and draw the blank lines on the board.


Read p. 46, ex. 2.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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