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Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й говоріння, навички монологічного висловлювання; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати інтерес до традицій інших країн.


1. Warm-up

Learn the poem.

A Happy New Year

The day is so clear,

The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright,

We shout with all might,

“A Happy New Year!”

2. Listening

Listen to the story and do the task.

The first of January, New Year’s Day, is a national holiday in Great Britain. People don’t go to work on this day. They send cards and give presents. >

The most common type of celebration is a New Year party. People usually

have parties and dances with their relatives and friends. At mid­night in London they go to Trafalgar Square. In this square there is a large New Year tree on which there are many little coloured lamps. The people of Norway send a great New Year tree to the English people every year. When Big Ben, the largest clock in London, begins to strike twelve, the people in Trafalgar Square take hands and sing the Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” by Robert Burns. The song is about old days and friend ship between people. After that they wish one another a Happy New Year and go home to see the New Year in with more games and songs.

True or False

1) New Year’s Day is an important holiday for all people.

2) People usually have parties.

3) At twelve o’clock people usually go out into the streets and squares.

4) English people get a great New Year tree from one of the northern countries.

5) When Big Ben strikes twelve people come together.

6) They sing traditional English song.

7) People stay outside till morning.

3. Reading

Do Ex. 3, p. 68.


Listening and speaking

Listen and learn the song “Jingle Bells” in Ex. 4, p. 69.

5. Reading and writing

Read about British traditions and do the tasks.

Pantomimes are plays put on before Christmas, usually for children. They are based on fairy tales, such as Cinderella or Aladdin, and mix comedy, song and dance.

Christmas Day is observed on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve everything is in rush. People get ready to see the holiday. They de­corate their homes, arrange Christmas cards on shelves and tables and hang a bunch of mistletoe under which the boys kiss girls. They are busy cooking a turkey and baking Christmas pudding. Children wake up early to find a stocking full of small presents on their bed. Other presents, opened when everyone is together, are arranged around the Christmas tree.

Boxing Day, on the 26th of December, is the day when people visit their friends, go for a drive or long walks or just spent it in front of the TV recovering from Christmas Day.

In Scotland and the North of England people go first footing on New Year’s morning. They call at friends’ houses, trying to be the first per­son through the door after midnight. To symbolize good luck, the visi­tor carries a piece of coal and a glass of water. The luckiest type of first footer is a tall, dark man.

On New Year’s Day people make New Year’s resolutions. They de­cide to do something to improve their lives. For example, people decide to give up smoking or to go to the gym once a week.

Which of these sentences are true. Write the correct ones down.

1) You can see pantomimes at Christmas.

2) You can see pantomimes before Christmas.

3) On Christmas Eve everything happens as always.

4) On Christmas Eve everybody is in a hurry

5) People usually open their presents whenever they wish.

6) People usually open their presents on Christmas morning.

7) People are very busy on Boxing Day.

8) People relax on Boxing Day.

9) People look forward to the first person who comes in on the 1st of January.

10) People are afraid of the first person who comes in on the 1st of Janu­ary.

Draw lines from the words on the left to the correct words on the right. Then write down the sentences.


Children can find stocking with presents


A pantomime.


Boys and girls should kiss


Brings good luck.


The traditional food is


Just for the rest.


A traditional English entertainment is


Over the end of the bed.


Boxing Day is


Under a bunch of mistletoe


People believe that first footer


Help to start new life.


People believe that resolutions


Christmas pudding

6. Summary

Describe how you usually celebrate New Year. Describe what you wear, what you eat, who you meet and what you do.

7. Homework

Design and make a Christmas card. Don’t forget to write something inside.

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