І семестр




Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й говоріння; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; учити співпрацювати в групі.


1. Warm-up

Answer the questions of the homework (Ex. 4, p. 35).

2. Practise the vocabulary

Write the model on the board and then ask pupils to substitute the necessary words instead of underlined ones.

Model: At the English lessons we role-play different situations.

Maths do the sums

Literature learn poems by heart

Nature Studies study the planets in the Solar System

Music sing folk songs

History read about Ukrainian hetmans

P. T. play football

Geography show different countries on the map

Art draw funny animals

Ukrainian language

write compositions

Computer Studies learn to use a computer

Science mix up chemicals together

English study British culture

Competitions support our team


T. Maths, do the sums.

P. At the Maths lessons we do the sums.

3. Listening and speaking

Answer the questions in Ex. 1 (a), p. 36.

Listen to the text.

Dear Paul,

How are you? Thank you for your letter. Last time I promised you to tell about my school.

So, this year I’m in the sixth form. We have got some new subjects, for example Geography which I like very much, so we’ve got more les­sons every day. As I wrote last time we have lunch from 12 o’clock to 12.20. Some pupils eat in the canteen but I like bringing my own lunch because my mother makes great sandwiches.

Now we’ve got 5 or 6 lessons every day so we’ve got a lot of home­work and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart. As I like Ukrainian Literature I read a lot too.


interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples so the subject I like most is English. We have very interesting English lessons because our teacher trains us in different ways. We learn new words, dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things, do role-plays, listen to tapes and speak a lot. Our teacher usually supports us when we work in pairs and make up our own conversations.

Are things very different at your school?

Best wishes,


Answer the questions.

1) How many favourite subjects has Paul got? What are they?

2) Why doesn’t he have lunch in the canteen?

3) Why has he got much homework?

4) What is Fred interested in? Why?

5) What do they usually do at the English lessons?

6) Who helps them to make their own conversation?

4. Practise the vocabulary

Do Ex. 2, p. 36 .

5. Speaking and writing Group work

Work in groups of six.

Do Ex. 3, p. 37.

Write a short report about your classmates’ favourite subjects.

Example: Five pupils in our group like Maths. All pupils like His­tory. Only two pupils like Geography.

6. Reading and speaking

Do Ex. 4 (a), p. 37.

7. Writing

Do Ex. 4 (b), p. 37.

8. Summary

Answer the question.

– What do you usually do at ___ lesson? – We ___.

Make a chain: T -> P1 -> P2 -> P3…

9. Homework

Write a short paragraph about your school and about your favourite subjects.