Про себе


Lesson 2

Тема. Про себе


Навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою “Про себе”; повторити мовні вирази знайомства, вітання та прощання; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; учити читати; закріплювати графічні навички, удосконалювати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою розучування римівки / пісні, формувати вміння звертатися до співрозмовників;

Розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; зацікавити мовою, яку вивчають;


викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, під час парної роботи – повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

Обладнання: постер і картки за темою “Моя сім’я і друзі”, CD.

Хід уроку


1. Greet the pupils with “Hello!” or “Good morning”. Ask them to say hello to the two pupils sitting nearest to them. They can shake hands while saying hello.

2. Revision. Spend three minutes saying to individual pupils, “Hello!” or “Good morning! Nice to see you.” Pupils reply to you.


3. Listen and repeat (p. 6, ex. 1).

Tell the pupils to look at the picture.

Ask an exemplary pupil to come to the front of the class. Read the dialogue together while the class listens.

Read the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class

to repeat.


4. Read, complete and say (p. 6, ex. 2).

Ask the pupils to work in pairs and say the dialogue with their partner.

If you wish, ask some of the pairs to repeat their dialogue aloud for the class. Learn the new structure “We are in the second form.” Translate it into their native language. Repeat it several times chorally and individually.


Ask the first question to the person sitting next to you. He / She replies and asks the following question to the person sitting next to him / her. Continue in this way around the class.

Ask the pupils to read the dialogue.

When the pupils have finished, let them go round the class greeting each other, asking and answering the questions.

5. Listen and repeat (p. 7, ex. 3).

Tell the pupils that they are going to learn a greeting poem in English. Explain that it is polite to say “Good evening” and “Good night”.

Read the poem.

Tell the pupils to listen to the poem. Read again and pause after each line.

Say a line and tell the pupils to repeat after you.

Read the poem again and ask the pupils to repeat the poem.

6. Work in pairs (p. 7, ex. 4).

Tell the pupils to look at the picture.

In pairs, pupils read and practice Picture 1 only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.

Then pupils read and practice Picture 2 in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.


Before starting to play a class or team game, the following procedures are recommended:

1. Divide the class into teams.

2. Use a choosing rhyme to add suspense and involve the pupils in the process of picking players for class or team games:

Eeny, Meeny,

Miney, Mo,

Choose a person;

Off we GO!

3. The pupil chosen is the one you are pointing at on the word GO!

4. Always get the pupils to chant with you.

5. Give each team an English name, e. g., the Tigers or Lions.

6. Vary the team names from lesson to lesson to practice new words.

7. Write team names on the board for scoring during games.


Divide the class into two teams.

Write the small letters of the alphabet at random across the board as the class chant out the alphabet all together: a, b, c, d, e, f, etc.

Call out one player from each team. Give some chalk to each one.

Explain that they are going to have an Alphabet Race.

Call out any letter of the alphabet.

The two players race to find it on the board. One team crosses off (X) letters if they find them first, and the other team puts circles (O) around letters.

After every two or three letters, two new players come out and take over the race.

Have two or three races if there is time.


7. Finish the lesson by saying goodbye to the pupils as they leave.

Pupils say goodbye to you.


Bring the alphabet cards and coloured chalk.

Revise the poem (p. 7, ex. 3).

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