Safe Swimming
Lesson 12.1 Safe Swimming
1. Do you know these words?
Seaside | Suitcase | Learn |
Pack | Clothes | Safety rule |
Unpack | Teach | Check |
2. Put these words into three groups. Some words can be in all three groups.
Travelling School Shopping
Seaside is about travelling. We can travel to the seaside.
Every day | Yesterday | |
Read | Read | Didn’t read |
See | Saw | Didn’t see |
Come | Came | Didn’t come |
Keep | Kept | Didn’t |
Swim | Swam | Didn’t swim |
Drive | Drove | Didn’t drive |
Go | Went | Didn’t go |
Is, are | Was, were | Wasn’t, weren’t |
3. Say what you do every day. Let your partner say what he/ she did last year when he/she travelled.
5. Correct 6 mistakes.
The son really want to swim in the sea.
The son save his father in the sea.
There were a sign about a strong undertow.
They stay at the beach house.
Last year the family goed to the seaside.
His mother ask him not to swim alone.
His father want to teach his son to stay safe.
6. Listen to the story and put the facts in Task 5 in the right order.
7. Listen and say what is missing in the picture.
8. Match the sentences to the pictures. Change IT to the right word.
1. Baby Bear helped his papa to get out of IT.
2. There was a sign in IT about a strong undertow.
3. Mama Bear went to IT to unpack the suitcase.
4. Papa Bear went swimming and didn’t read IT.
9. Write about your travelling experiences using the words from the rule on page 144.
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