Take a Test!
Lesson 12.5 Take a Test!
1. Say as many answers to each question as you can.
What can you see at the seaside?
How can you go to the seaside?
What can you do at the seaside?
2. Read and find one extra letter in each word.
Rulle – rule
Seailing | Undertouw | Seaeside |
Shelles | Beatch | Suitckase |
Saign |
3. Choose a word from Task 2 and keep it a secret. Ask a question that has got your secret word as the answer.
4. Guess what bears did in these pictures.
Picture В – The family of bears came to the beach house.
5. Agree or disagree.
Baby Bear wanted to unpack things in the house.
Bear didn’t want to unpack things in the house.
1. Papa Bear swam in a safe place.
2. The Baby Bear didn’t read a sign in the water.
3. Baby Bear hit his head against a log under the water.
4. Papa Bear picked up only beautiful shells on the beach.
5. Baby Bear saved his papa in all the dangerous situations.
6. Papa Bear saw a ship coming up to their little boat.
6. Listen and guess what the text is about. Find IT in the pictures.
7. Choose something in one of the pictures. Describe IT. Let your partner guess what IT is.
8. Fill in the table.
Read | Read | Didn’t read |
Didn’t swim | ||
Drive | ||
Went | ||
Hit | ||
Dived | ||
Take | ||
Didn’t have a rest | ||
Is, are |
9. Write a new story about bears using the words from Task 8.
10. Look at the picture and choose one thing. Keep it a secret.
Let your partner guess it.
– I can see IT, IT starts with letter “s “.
– Is it the sea?
– Yes, it is!
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