Тепер ти можеш

Lesson 10. Тепер ти можеш…


– навчальна, активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, реагувати вербально назапитання, які вимагають як простих так і складних відповідей, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, розвивати та удосконалювати вживання та написання речень у минулому неозначеному часі, вживання правильних та неправильних дієслів;

– розвиваюча, уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати

під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдосконалення у галузі володіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

– виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого матеріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, толерантного ставлення до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.


плакати за темою “Подорож”, карта Лондона, тематичні картки.

Хід уроку


1. Game “Disappearing cards”

Stick from five to seven flashcards “City Buildings” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of the words, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue until there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from memory. You can also play the game by writing seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.


2. Say how people get to different places (p. 186, ex. 1).

Revise transport words. Ask pupils to name every kind of transport and make a sentence with these words saying how people get to different places. Pupils may also be asked to write sentences in their exercise books and on the board using the phrases “Some people go by… or Some go by…”

Tell pupils they are going to write the sentences about themselves “I go by…”.

Pair work: Pupils read the sentences to each other.

Pay attention to the preposition ‘by’ with different kinds of transport and the word combination ‘on foot’. Translate it into the native language.


3. Ask and answer in pairs (p. 186, ex. 2).

Explain to pupils that they are going to answer the questions using speech bubbles. Ask pupils to read the dialogue in silence. Ask a bright pupil the first question. A pupil answers. If it is difficult to answer, help him/her.

Ask the second question. Do the same procedure with some words from the box. Ask some other pupils. Do choral and individual repetition.

Pair work: Pupils read and answer the questions. Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

Reading and Writing

4. Read the text and say if the statements below are true or false (p. 187, ex. 3).

Pair work: Ask pupils to read the letter from Alice and find correct statements.

Pupils read and explain if the sentences are true or false.

Ask pupils to read the true statements.

Answers: 1. True; 1. True; 1. True; 1. True; 1. True.

5. Read, then agree or disagree (p. 188, ex. 4).

Ask pupils to read the statements. Ask pupils to read them in silence after you. You can translate difficult sentences into the native language.

Pronounce the words clearly.

Point at the demonstrative flashcards while you are reading the sentences.

Then pupils read the sentences themselves in a chain and agree or disagree.

Ask pupils to use the example patterns.

6. Read the text and say what there is at Heathrow Airport (p. 188, ex. 5).

Ask pupils to read the text about Heathrow Airport in London. Ask pupils to read the text in silence after you. You can translate difficult sentences into the native language.

Pronounce the words clearly.

Then pupils read the text themselves in a chain.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

7. Choose the right word about the airport (p. 189, ex. 6).

Ask pupils to read the sentences and choose the right word about the airport.

Ask pupils to finish the sentences using the correct words.

Ask pupils to write the sentences down. Go round helping.

If you have time, repeat with several different pupils.

Answers: 1. cities; 2. eighty; 3. sixty-four; 4. many.

8. Answer the questions and tell your classmate what you have done today (p. 189, ex. 7).

Pair work: Explain to pupils that they are going to ask and answer questions about themselves. Explain to pupils that they are going to answer the questions. Ask pupils to read the questions in silence. Ask a bright pupil the first question. A pupil answers. If it is difficult to answer, help him/her.

Ask the second question. Do the same procedure with some words from the box. Ask some other pupils. Do choral and individual repetition.

Pair work: Pupils read and answer the questions. Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

9. Write some notes in your Traveller’s Diary about your favourite way of travelling (p. 189, ex. 9).

Ask pupils to describe their favourite way of travelling.

Write some patterns, for example:

Travelling is very…. I like travelling by…. It is a short/long…

Ending the Lesson


Read p. 188, ex. 5.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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