Lesson 50


I spent my winter holidays at home. The weather was frosty. There was much snow. We played snowballs, made a snowman, skied, skated and sledged. In the evenings I read books or watched TV. On the 31st of December our family celebrated the New Year. We had a fir-tree at home. Father Frost put presents under it. At school we have the New Year matinee too. All children were happy. I like the New Year holidays and my winter holidays very much.

Lesson 51


1. It is frosty today. – Is it frosty today? – It isn’t frosty today.

2. The temperature is thirty degrees below zero. – Is the temperature thirty degrees below zero? – The temperature is not thirty degrees below zero.

3. Dina has spent her winter holidays in the village. – Has Dina spent her winter holidays in the village? – Dina hasn’t spent her winter holidays in the village.

4. He was the

best pupil of the form. – Was he the best pupil of the form? – He wasn’t the best pupil of the form.

5. She went to the park in the evening. – Did she go to the park in the evening? – She didn’t go to the park in the evening.

6. I shall help my mother about the house after classes. – Shall I help my mother about the house after classes? – I shall not help my mother about the house after classes.

7. The pupils are sitting at the desks at this moment. – Are the pupils sitting at the desks at this moment? – The pupils are not sitting at the desks at this moment.

8. The teacher is standing near the blackboard now. – Is the teacher standing near the blackboard now? – The teacher is not standing near the blackboard now.


1. Their mother has made a cake. – Has their mother made a cake? Their mother hasn’t made a cake.

2. Santa Claus has brought children good presents. Has Santa Claus brought children good presents? Santa Claus hasn’t brought children good presents.

3. He has put

his presents into children’s stockings. – Has he put his presents into children’s stockings? He hasn’t put his presents into children’s stockings.

Lessons 52-53


Множина іменників утворюється додаванням до форми однини закінчення – s. Іменники, що в однині мають закінчення “у” після приголосної, у множині мають закінчення – ies: a story – stories. Якщо перед буквою “y” стоїть голосна, то множина утворюється додаванням закінчення – s: a boy – boys. Іменники, що закінчуються на: – s, – ss, – х, – sh, – ch у множині мають закінчення – es: an abacus – abacuses.


A tree – trees, a fir-tree – fir-trees, a pine-tree – pine-trees, a year – years, a poem – poems, a toy – toys, a present – presents, a day – days, a snowman – snowmen, a snowball – snowballs.


А) Молоко – milk, масло – butter, яйце – an egg, риба – a fish.

B) 1. I like egg.

2. Cats like fish.

3. Dogs like milk.

4. Chickens like egg.

5. Children like butter.


1. Зазвичай чай заварює моя мама. – Му mother usually makes tea.

2. Я не люблю каву тому, що вона гірка. – I don’t like coffee, because it is bitter.

3. Він хотів би випити склянку апельсинового соку. – Не would like to drink a glass of orange juice.

4. Лідина бабуся любить теплий хліб і молоко. – Lida’s grandmother likes warm bread and milk.

Lessons 54-55


Я знаю, що миші дуже люблять сир. – I know that mice like cheese.

Вони також люблять хліб і ковбасу. – They like bread and sausages too.

Що стосується мого кошеняти, то воно п’є молоко цілий день. – As for my kitten it drinks milk for the whole day.

Воно ще не любить риби та котлет. – It doesn’t like fish and cutlet.

Кошеня любить гратися з макаронами і фруктами. – The kitten likes to play with macaroni and fruits.


B) 1. Вона хотіла що-небудь з’їсти. – It wanted to eat something.

2. “Не кусай мене, люба мишко!” – заплакав олівець. – “Don’t bite me, dear Mouse.” – cried the pencil.

3. “Давай будемо називати це сиром”, – сказав олівець. – “Let us call it cheese”, said the pencil.

4. Я дуже люблю сосиски. – I like sausages very much.

5. Мені не подобається твій малюнок. – “І don’t like your picture!”

Lessons 56-57


1. When do you usually have soup or borsch? – I usually have soup or borsch for dinner.

2. Do you have tea, coffee or compote for your breakfast? – I have tea (coffee) for my breakfast.

3. Does your mother like coffee with lemon? – Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)

4. Do you like coffee with milk and cakes? – Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

5. Do you often have dinner at your school canteen? – Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

Lessons 58-59


1) I like to eat lemon ice-cream.

2) He drinks tea for breakfast.

3) Do you like to cook?

4) I prefer spring.

Lessons 60-61


1. У нашій шкільній їдальні багато тарілок, ложок, виделок, ножів і склянок. – There are a lot of plates, spoons, knives and glasses in our school canteen.

2. Я люблю їсти шматочки лимона з цукром. – I like to eat slices of lemon with sugar.

3. Маленька дівчинка посолила свій чай. – A little girl s>

4. Роман віддає перевагу фруктовим жувальним гумкам. – Roman prefers fruit chewing-gums.

Lessons 62-63


1. I don’t like to drink boiled milk with white bread and strawberry jam. – I like to drink boiled milk with white bread and strawberry jam.

2. He wasn’t as hungry as a wolf and he didn’t eat this tasteless dinner. – He was as hungry as a wolf and ate this tasteless dinner.

3. His father doesn’t prefer fried meat and fried fish. – His father prefers fried meat and fried fish.

4. Olya will not help her mother to lay the table for dinner on Sunday. – Olya will help her mother to lay the table for dinner on Sunday.

5. Some pupils haven’t lunch at the first break. – Some people have lunch at the first break.

Lesson 64


I usually have my dinner at home.

For dinner I have soup or borshch, cutlet, fish or meat with macaroni, potatoes or porridge.

I like varenyks too then tea, milk or compote with cakes. I always help my mother to lay the table and to wash lip.

Sometimes I help my mother to prepare dinner.

Lessons 65-66


The Past Continuous Tense утворюється за допомогою дієслова to be у Past Indefinite (was, were) і закінчення – ing, яке додається до дієслів. I was making a bad.

У дієслів, що закінчуються на е, при додаванні закінчення – ing е випадає: to make – making.

У дієслів, що закінчуються на ie, при додаванні закінчення – ing ie замінюється на у: to lie – lying. У односкладових дієслів, що закінчуються на приголосну, перед якою стоїть короткий голосний звук, при додаванні закінчення – ing кінцева приголосна подвоюється: to run – running.

Для утворення питальної форми Past Continuous Tense дієслово to be у Past Indefinite (was, were) ставиться перед підметом: Was I watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday?

Заперечна форма Past Continuous Tense утворюється за допомогою частки not, яка ставиться після was, were: I was not watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday.


1) I was watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday. Was I watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday? I wasn’t watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday.

2) We were cooking dinner when she came. Were we cooking dinner when she came? We were not cooking dinner when she came.


Guess what meal consists of these components and write it down.

1. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions, meat, water, s>

2. Meat, eggs, s>

3. Fruits, water, sugar. – It’s compote.

4. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, s>

5. Bread, butter, cheese or meat. – It’s sandwich.

6. Milk, coffee, sugar. – It’s coffee with milk.

Lesson 67


A) 1) a cup of tea – чашка чаю

2) hot coffee – гаряча кава

3) vegetable soup – овочевий суп

4) fried fish – смажена риба

5) some sugar – трохи цукру

6) to lay the table – накривати на стіл

B) 1) a cup of coffee – чашка кави

2) green tea – зелений чай

3) tasty borsch – смачний борщ

4) boiled meat – варене м’ясо

5) some s>

6) to s>


A) 1) склянка молока – a glass of milk

2) білий хліб – white bread

3) фруктові цукерки – fruit sweets

4) варене яйце – boiled egg

5) деякі учні – some pupils

6) тарілка і ложка – a plate and a spoon

B) 1) склянка какао – a glass of cocoa

2) великий торт – a big cake

3) вишневе варення – cherry jam

2) смажена картопля – fried potatoes

3) трохи молока – some milk

4) виделка і ніж – a fork and a knife


A) 1) бути – to be – was/were – been

2) робити – to do – did – done

3) читати – to read – read – read

4) проводити – to spend – spent – spent

5) мати – to have – had – had

6) працювати – to work – worked – worked

B) 1) бачити – to see – saw – seen

2) йти – to go – went – gone

3) писати – to write – wrote – written

4) класти – to put – put – put

5) одержувати – to get – got – got

6) відкривати – to open – opened – opened


1. My breakfast.

I usually have my breakfast at 7 o’clock. For breakfast I have porridge or boiled or fried potatoes with meat or fish. I like tea with lemon and sugar or cocoa with a cake.

2. My dinner.

I usually have my dinner after classes. For dinner I have soup, I don’t like borsch. Then I have some

Salad with sausage and macaroni and orange juice.

3. My supper.

I had a very tasty supper yesterday. My mother prepared varenyks with cherries, potatoes and cabbages. I prefered varenyks with cherries. Then I helped my mother to wash up.

Lesson 68 – 69


1. Наша школа знаходиться в центрі міста. – Our school is in the centre of the city.

2. Вони живуть в Україні протягом п’яти років. – They live in Ukraine for 5 years.

3. Бровари – районне місто. Воно недалеко від Києва. – Brovary is a regional town. It is not far from Kyiv.

4. Одеса, Тернопіль і Полтава – обласні центри України. – Odesa, Ternopil and Poltava are regional centres of Ukraine.

Lesson 70


Make up sentences with the words “a capital”, “a city”, “a town”, “to love” and write them down.

1) Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine.

2) Kharkiv is a regional city.

3) They live in a small town.

4) I love my Motherland.

Lesson 71


1) I live in Kharkiv.

2) It is a large city.

3) My city stands on the river Lopan.

4) It is a short river.

5) The river Lopan is bad and dirty.

Lesson 72


Вищий ступінь порівняння прикметників утворюється за допомогою закінчення – er, що додається до форми звичайного ступеня: long – longer.

Найвищий ступінь порівняння прикметників утворюється за допомогою закінчення – est, що додається до форми звичайного ступеня: long – longest.

Якщо прикметники закінчуються на – e, то при доданні закінчень – er, – est воно випадає: large – larger – the largest.

Якщо прикметники закінчуються на один приголосний з попереднім коротким голосним звуком, то кінцевий приголосний перед закінченням – er, – est подвоюється: big – bigger – the biggest.

Якщо прикметники закінчуються на – у з попереднім приголосним, то при доданні закінчень – er, – est, – у змінюється на – і: happy – happier – the happiest.


Funny – funnier – the funniest new – newer – the newest sad – sadder – the saddest polite – politer – the politest

Lessons 73-74


1) Our classroom is the lightest in the school.

2) Taras is the tallest boy in our form.

3) Olya is the shortest girl in our form.

4) Tamara has the longest braid in our form.

5) Bogdan has the shortest hair in our class.


1. Україна – одна з найбільших країн Європи. – Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe.

2. Одеська область – найбільша область нашої країни. – Odesa region is the largest region of our country.

3. Київ – одне з найстаріших міст Європи. – Kyiv is one of the oldest cities in Europe.

4. Наша Батьківщина – найкраща країна у світі. – Our Motherland is the best country in the world.

Lessons 75-76


1. Роман знає англійську мову краще за Олега. – Roman knows English better than Oleh.

2. Олена – найнижча дівчинка в класі. – Olena is the shortest girl in our form.

3. У цьому селі немає театру, але тут є новий кінотеатр. – There is no theatre in this village, but there is a new cinema.

4. Я ніколи не була в музеї Тараса Шевченка. – I have never been to the Taras Shevchenko Museum.

5. У нашій шкільній бібліотеці багато цікавих книг. – There are a lot of interesting books in our school library.

Lesson 77


1. Сьогодні погода краща, ніж учора. – Today the weather is better than it was yesterday.

2. Наша вчителька з англійської мови – найкраща в школі. – Our teacher of English is the best in the school.

3. Дніпро – найдовша річка в Україні. – The Dnieper is the longest river in Ukraine.

4. У Києві є багато театрів, кінотеатрів і музеїв. –

There are a lot of theatres, cinemas and museums in Kyiv.

5. Я часто беру книги в шкільній бібліотеці. – I often take books in our school library.

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