Здраcтуй, школо!

Lesson 1. Здраcтуй, школо!


– навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями за темою “Шкільне життя”, навчити користуватися граматичною опорною таблицею “Дієслово to be”, удосконалювати навички вимови англійських звуків за допомогою тренувальних вправ та складання тематичних діалогів;

– розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєві компетенції, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; толерантного ставлення до


– виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

Обладнання: карта Європи, таблиця “Дієслово to be”, картки за темою “Шкільне життя”.

Хід уроку


1. Game “What’s missing?”

Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Hold up each one and get the children say the names of them as you do this. Then say ‘Close your eyes’. When children have their eyes closed, quickly remove one of the flashcards from the blackboard. Children open their eyes and call out the name of the missing flashcard.


2. Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 1).

Pre-reading: Ask pupils to look at the pictures in the book.

Say the words. Repeat each new word two or three times. Ask

pupils to write these words down into their vocabularies.

Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read the words after you again.

While-reading: Monitor the activity and help where necessary. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to make sure the pupils understand the meanings of the new words.

Pupils take turns to read out the words. Help with pronunciation. If you like, you can make sentences with these words.

Post-reading: Ask further questions “Do you have scissors in your pencil case? What colour are your markers and crayons? How many crayons are there in your pencil case?


3. Listen and say (p. 10, ex. 2).

Ask pupils to look at the picture.

Ask if pupils like going shopping? Do they go alone or with adults? What do they usually buy?

Read the dialogue while pupils listen and read silently.

Explain any words that pupils ask for.

When pupils are familiar with the text, ask pairs of pupils to act out the dialogue. Encourage them to act with real emotions “I need…”

4. Ask and answer (p. 11, ex. 3).

Ask pupils to look at the pictures.

Ask, “What things are there? What things do you have in your bag?”

Ask two bright pupils to read and answer the question.

Ask pupils to read the sentences aloud, in turn.

Make dialogues with these questions using the table.

Pupils practice dialogues in pairs using the pictures.

5. Look and say (p. 11, ex. 4).

Draw clock faces on the board. Review the hours, e. g. it is six o’clock/nine o’clock, etc. Dictate times: one o’clock, six o’clock, etc. pupils draw these on the board. Then draw clocks showing the half hour.

Say: It’s half past six. Get pupils to repeat it and practice using different phrases: It’s four o’clock, It’s half past five, etc.

Ask pupils to look at the clocks in the books. Ask pupils to read the time. Pupils read the time. Do choral and individual repetition.

Pair work: Pupils draw clocks showing different times on pieces of paper. They ask their partners: What time is it? It’s half past eleven, etc.

Reading and Writing

6. Listen and read (p. 11, ex. 5).

Look at the picture.

Pre-reading: Ask pupils what kind of the text it is. If they don’t know help them and explain that it is a letter.

Read the text. Pupils listen and read. Do choral and individual repetition. Post-reading: Ask some questions “What is the teacher’s name? Is she a new teacher? What is the number of the classroom? When is school over? When does school start?”

7. Choose and say (p. 12, ex. 6).

Tell pupils to choose the correct endings of the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the right variant using the text.

Answers: 1) b; 2) c; 3) a; 4) c.

8. Listen and say the rhyme (p. 12, ex. 7).

Tell pupils to look at the picture on p. 12, ex. 7.

Ask what they see.

Revise the action words using the flashcards: “to hold up”, “to turn around”, “to take” and “to touch” or do these actions.

Lead-in: Learn the word “use”.

Read the rhyme. Translate it into their native language.

Repeat chorally and individually.

Tell pupils that they are going to learn the rhyme.

Read the words of the rhyme, pausing after each phrase. Pupils repeat the phrases chorally and individually performing the actions. They can use the school objects which they have on their desks.

Read the rhyme chorally.

Ending the Lesson

Game “Picture flashcards”

Hold up action flashcards one at a time and ask several questions about each one, e. g., “Can you hold up your pen/book/pencil? Can you swim/dance/ fly?” Pupils reply, “Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.” Revise the action words using the flashcards or photos if you have any. Repeat chorally and individually.


Read p. 11, ex. 5; p. 12, ex. 7.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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