D) Advertising
Ex. 1.p. 73
1. Youth advertising began in the United States in the mid-1950s.
2. Teenagers earned extra money from part-time jobs.
3. In the 1960s and 1970s teen fashion ruled the world.
4. Levi corduroy trousers were very fashionable in the 1960b.
5. The biggest craze for young people in 1980s was computer games.
6. Most American TV channels show an advert every five or six minutes.
7. The average American is exposed to 1,000 adverts a week.
Ex. 7, p. 75
1. Expensive cars advertisement.
2. Anti – caries advertisement, tooth-brush advertisement, chewing gum advertisement, oilier medicine advertisement.
3-Food advertisement,
4. Food advertisement.
5. Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola advertisement.
6. Sports clothes advertisement.
7. Different drinks advertisement.
Ex. 14, p. 78
Time is money. It is Cartier Santos men’s watch in premium grade stainless steel. A renowned symbol of prestige and performance from Cartier will suite you in the best way. Having this watch you will understand that it is an impassioned new direction in time from Cartier.
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