1. Read the text.
It is December. It is Christmas time. Mary and Pete love Christmas. They decorate a Christmas tree every year. Santa Claus always brings them presents. Last year Mary got a nice doll and a teddy bear. Pete got a toy dragon and a robot. The children like their new toys. This year Mary and Pete want to get roller skates.
“Write a letter to Santa,” Mum said.
“That’s a good idea, Mum,” the children answered. They are happy.
2. Agree or disagree.
1. It is February.
2. It is Christmas time.
3. Jane and Pete get presents from Santa
Claus every year.
4. Last year Jane got a nice doll and a toy dragon.
5. Pete got a teddy bear and a toy car.
6. This year Jane and Pete want to get roller skates for Christmas.
3. Ask and answer.
1. Do Mary and Pete love Christmas? Why?
2. What presents did they get last year?
3. What presents do they want to get this year?
4. What is Mum’s idea?
4. Talk about your Christmas (New Year) presents.
What presents did you get last year? What do you want to get next year?
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