Lesson 1



Утворення кількісних числівників:

*teen – 13 – 19 (thirteen…).

*ty – 20 – 90 (twenty…).

Утворення порядкових числівників *th


1 – the first;

2 – the second;

3 – the third.


У числівників five and twelve букви ve змінюються на f – fifth, twelfth; до числівника eight додається лише буква h – eighth; у числівнику nine пропускається буква е – ninth; y числівників, що позначають десятки, кінцева буква у змінюється на іе – twenty – twentieth, fifty – fiftieth.

Тризначні числівники

утворюються за зразком: 356 – three hundred and fifty-six.

Кожні три розряди (справа наліво) відокремлюються комою: 2,437; 5,789,240.

Роки читають так:

1989 – nineteen eighty-nine;

2005 – two thousand and five (twenty hundred and five).

Дати: 14 січня – the fourteenth of January;

14-го січня – on the fourteenth of January.

Ex. 2, p. 102

1. B; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5. E.

Ex. 5, p. 103

I get up at seven o’clock. I clean my teeth. I wash my face. I brush my hair. I make my bed. I have breakfast. I go to school at eight o’clock.

Ex. 5, p. 105

1. At seven o’clock; 2. Five past three; 3. Quarter past seven; 4. Twenty past seven; 5. At half past seven; 6. Quarter to four.

Lesson 3

Ex. 6, p. 107

Ann gets up at seven o’clock. She cleans her teeth. She washes her face. Then Ann brushes her hair. She makes her bed. Then Ann has breakfast. My friend goes to school at eight o’clock.

At three o’clock Ann comes home and has her dinner. Then she does her homework. At five o’clock she goes to the sport club to play tennis. At seven o’clock she comes home and has supper. Then she watches TV, reads books or helps her mum. At nine o’clock she goes to bed.

Lesson 4


The Past Indefinite (Simple) Tense Вживається на позначення дій, які відбувалися у минулому, або для вираження факту, що мав місце в минулому (часто є показники минулого часу: last year, last month, in 1999, yesterday, тощо).

Відмінювання дієслова to work (працювати) у Past Indefinite Tense:

Правильні дієслова

(дія відбувалася в минулому)

I worked

I did not work

Не worked

He did not work

She worked

She did not work

It worked

It did not work

We worked

We did not work

You worked

You did not work

They worked

They did not work

Did I work?

Yes, I did

No, I didn’t

Did he work?

Yes, he did

No, he didn’t

Did she work?

Yes, she did

No, she didn’t

Did it work?

Yes, it did

No, it didn’t

Did we work?

Yes, we did

No, we didn’t

Did you work?

Yes, you did

No, you didn’t

Did they work?

Yes, they did

No, they didn’t

Відмінювання дієслова to write (писати) у Past Indefinite Tense:

Неправильні дієслова

(дія відбувалася в минулому)

I wrote

I did not write

Не wrote

He did not write

She wrote

She did not write

It wrote

It did not write

We wrote

We did not write

You wrote

You did not write

They wrote

They did not write

Did I write?

Yes, I did

No, I didn’t

Did he write?

Yes, he did

No, he didn’t

Did she write?

Yes, she did

No, she didn’t

Did it write?

Yes, it did

No, it didn’t

Did we write?

Yes, we did

No, we didn’t

Did you write?

Yes, you did

No. you didn’t

Did they write?

Yes, they did

No, they didn’t

Ex. 2, p. 109

Get up – got up. Make – made. Have – had. Go – went Come – came. Do – did.

Ex. 3, p. 109

Start – started. Watch – watched. Play – played. Help – helped. Walk – walked.

Ex. 5, p. 109

1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. B.

Ex. 4, p. 111


Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) в Past Indefinite Tense

I was

I was not

He was

He was not

She was

She was not

It was

It was not

We were

We were not

You were

You were not

They were

They were not

Was I?

Yes, I was

No, I wasn’t

Was he?

Yes, he was

No, he vasn’t

Was she?

Yes, she was

No, she wasn’t

Was it?

Yes, it was

No, it wasn’t

Were we?

Yes, we were

No, we weren’t

Were you?

Yes, you were

No, you weren’t

Were they?

Yes, they were

No, they weren’t

1. Is, are; 2. Was, were; 3. Wasn’t, was: 4. Weren’t, were.

Ex. 5, p. 111

It is Tuesday today. It was Monday yesterday. I was at school. There were five Lessons yesterday. My parents were at work yesterday. They weren’t in the village yesterday.

Ex. 6, p. 111

It was Monday yesterday. I was at school. There were four Lessons yesterday. My parents weren’t at work yesterday. They were in the village yesterday. I wasn’t in the village yesterday.

Lesson 6

Ex. 5, p. 113

1. Was; 2. Wasn’t; 3. Was; 4. Was; 5. Weren’t; 6. Were.

Lesson 8

Ex. 2, p. 116

1. F: 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. T.

Lesson 9

Ex. 1, p. 118

1. A; 2. B; 3. A; 4. C.

Ex. 3, p. 118

A. 1. Was; 2. Was; 3. Were; 4. Were.

B. 1. Weren’t; 2. Wasn’t; 3. Wasn’t; 4. Weren’t.

Ex. 5, p. 119

I got up at seven o’clock. Then I cleaned my teeth. I washed my face. Then I brushed my, hair. I made my bed. Then I had breakfast. I went to school at eight o’clock.

At three o’clock I came home and had my dinner. Then I did my homework. At five o’clock I went to the sport club to play tennis. At seven o’clock I came home and had supper. Then I watched TV, read books and helped my mum. At nine o’clock I went to bed.

Ви зараз читаєте: DAILY LIFE