Давайте рахувати!

Lesson 2. Давайте рахувати!


– навчальна: повторити лексичний матеріал за темою “Моя сім’я і друзі”; повторити правопис простих та складних числівників, повторити вивчені раніше лексико-граматичні структури, формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; повторити та ознайомитися з римами за темами “Знайомство”, “Цифри”, “Алфавіт”;

– розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; вміння вести бесіду, слухати

співрозмовника, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, навички письма латинськими буквами;

– виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні при вивченні іноземної мови; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

Обладнання: тематичний плакат “Цифри”.

Хід уроку


1. As pupils come into the class, smile and say “Hello”. Encourage pupils to say “Hello” back to you.

2. Say to pupils “It’s a new year. Welcome back”. Begin the class with some common greetings. Ask and answer the questions “How are you?” and “What’s your name?” with new children. Pupils then ask and answer the questions in pairs or small groups.

3. Game “Happy!”


“I’m happy” and give a big smile. Then say “Now look” and pretend to wipe your smile off your face with your hand and throw it to the children. Encourage them to pretend to “catch” the smile and put it on their faces. Say “Now you’re…” and get the children to call out “Happy!” Repeat several times.


4. Listen and sing the song (p. 6, ex. 1).

Ask pupils to count from 1 to 10 in a chain. Then ask them to count faster and faster.

Ask pupils to count from 10 to 1. Ask them to count faster and faster.

Read the rhyme. Translate it into the native language if it is necessary.

Repeat chorally and individually.

Tell pupils that they are going to learn the rhyme.

Read the words of the rhyme, pausing after each phrase.

Pupils repeat the phrases chorally and individually performing the actions.

Say the line and tell pupils to repeat after you again and again.

Read the rhyme chorally.

Optional activity

Before starting to play a class or team game, the following procedures are recommended:

Name teams. Divide the class into teams. Give each team an English name.

E. g. “The Tigers” or “The Lions”. Vary the team names lesson by lesson to practice new words. Write team names on the board for scoring during games.

Choose players. Use a ‘choosing rhyme’ such as the following:

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo,

Choose a person; off we GO!

The pupil chosen is the one you are pointing at on the word GO!

Always get pupils to chant with you.

Game “Name labels”

Pupils have one sheet of paper each. Get them to fold it in half down the centre and draw a base line to write on, near the bottom of one side. Pupils must write their names on the sheets of paper. Write the pupils’ names on the board. Read the names on the board one by one. Pupils find their names and copy them onto their paper and place the name label on their desk.

Go round helping and praising them by saying ‘Good!’ or ‘Well done!’.

5. Read the numbers (p. 6, ex. 2).

Pupils look at the boxes and read the words.

Write the numbers in the first column and the words in the second one.

Ask pupils to match them together.

6. Listen and repeat (p. 6, ex. 3).

Revise the numbers 20, 30, 40, and so on to one hundred.

Ask pupils to read the numbers.

Stick the cards with the numbers on the board and ask pupils to write the words under every card. If pupils are not strong, they can use the text book.


7. Listen and read these numbers (p. 7, ex. 4).

Pupils read the numbers.

Pay their attention to spelling of such numbers as 40, 50, 80 and 90.

Then ask pupils to look at the Section ‘Remember’. Explain how to write the numbers. You can do it using the native language.

8. Say the numbers (p. 7, ex. 5).

Pupils look at the numbers and say them.

Ask pupils to name only numbers in red or blue.

If you have enough time, you can play a game. Point at numbers of different colours and ask pupils to name them. Who can do it without mistakes is the winner.

9. Listen and point to the numbers you hear (p. 7, ex. 6).

Pupils listen to the numbers and point to the right one.

Ask one pupil to write the correct number on the board to check the answer.

Ending the Lesson

10. Game “Picture flashcards”

Hold up action flashcards one at a time and ask several questions about each one, e. g., “Can you count/swim/dance/fly?” Pupils reply, “Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.” Revise the action words using the flashcards or photos if you have any. Repeat chorally and individually.

11. Say, “Close your books, please”. Then say “Goodbye!” several times. Pupils repeat after two or three times. Make sure that they understand you. Tell pupils to say “Goodbye!” to you.


Revise numbers (p. 6-7, ex. 1-6).

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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