Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, усного мовлення й читання; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати поважне ставлення до людей похилого віку й сімейних цінностей.



Do ex. 1, p. 86.

2. Reading and speaking

Do ex. 2, p. 86.

3. Speaking

Which of these things would you like to do with your friends when you reach your seventies? Talk about how different these things might be at 70.

Hiking, bungee jumping, study English, travel around the world, ballroom dancing, go on dates, talk about the old days.

You may add your own variants.

4. Writing and speaking

Work in pairs

Talk about whether you prefer to do / spend the following activities / occasions with family or friends. Do you think

this will change when you are in your seventies?


Family or friends


Family or friends

(in my 70s)



Go to the movies

Overseas vacations

Go to restaurants

Chat on the phone

Visit a doctor for a he>

Christmas, Easter or similar

Religious event




Change partners and explain what you discussed with your previous partner.

Talk about whether you will still be doing/celebrating the activities/occasions when you’re in your seventies and what difference being older will make.

5. Listening

Listen to a journal article and say if the following statements are true or false.

A) Friends are more important than family for a longer life.

B) A study was carried out on 1,500 British 70-year-olds.

C) Good friends can help you live 22 years longer.

D) Social activity

has positive effects on the body.

E) A group of 70-year-olds was studied for a period of 10 years.

F) The group was monitored every year over the 10-year test period.

G) The death of a spouse greatly affected the test data.

H) The message is to keep in touch with friends for a longer life.

Key: a T, b F, c F, d T, e T, f F, g F, h T.


A new he>

The researchers analyzed data from an Australian study, which began in 1992. The 10-year-long study measured how behavioral, economic, environmental and social factors affected the he>

6. Vocabulary practice

Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

A) in your

1) likely to live longer

B) close

2) annually

C) 22 per cent more

3) old age

D) the positive effects

4) and recreation

E) social activity

5) friends

F) researchers

6) intervals

G) environmental

7) in touch

H) senior citizens were monitored

8) on the body

I) three-yearly

9) analyzed data

J) keep

10) and social factors

Key: a 3, b 5, c 1, d 8, e 4, f 9, g 10, h 2, і 6, j 7.

7. Writing and speaking

Work in groups.

Discuss the following statements in your groups.

1) I’ll have more friends when I’m 70 than I have now.

2) I’ll see my friends every day when I’m in my seventies.

3) When I’m old, my friends will be more important to me than they are now.

4) I’ll argue a lot less with my friends when we’re old.

5) I’ll still be making new friends even in my seventies.

6) All of the friends I have now will still be friends when I’m 70.

7) I’m looking forward to being 70 and talking to my friends.

8) Write down questions about friendship and old age.

9) Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers.

10) Go back to your original partner /group and compare your findings.

11) Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.

8. Summary

Would you rather be surrounded by family than friends when you are old?

9. Homework

Write an essay on what you think your life will be like when you are in your seventies. Explain the main changes you think will happen. Tell these to your classmates in your next lesson. Did everyone write about similar changes?