From the cookery book
3.3. From the cookery book
Grammar Smart
Ex.1, p.85
1. She said she didn’t liked it there.
2. Granny said that meat tasted spicy.
3. Mum said they were having dinner then
4. Bill said he hadn’t eaten porridge that morning.
5. Mum said she would cook borsch the next day.
6. Mum asked Ann to put a bread plate in the middle there.
Word Smart
Ex.2, p.86
Cut vegetables into pieces and mix them. Add some olive oil. This salad tastes better with it. Add a pinch of s>
Зразок виконання домашнього завдання.
This is my favourite fruit salad. We often make it in summer. Take 200 g raspberries and 100 gr strawberries. Add 1 banana sliced. Mix all the ingredients. Tastes better with some yogurt or cream. But it is also very tasty with icecream. You may also add some grated chocolate. Serve in little bowls for dessert. It is tasty when
Time to read
Ex.3, p.89
1. He couldn’t afford either salmon, nor caviar.
2. But she would like to drink some champagne.
3. Without eating asparagus.
4. He had too little money.
5. One should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.
6. The waiter came up with a basket of peaches.
7. Never eat more that one thing for lunch.
Time to communicate
Once I invited a woman for lunch. When we came to the restaurant, I saw that the prices were too high. But she told me that she ate only one thing for lunch. She began with salmon and a little caviar. When a question of drink came, she asked for some champagne. Then she said that it would be a pity to leave without eating asparagus. After that, she ordered some ice cream. Suddenly the waiter brought a basket full of peaches. The woman kept on saying that she ate only one thing for lunch. When the lunch was over, the man had not a penny in his pocket.
Time to write
Take three apples and 12 oranges. Cut them. Add 1 banana sliced. Mix all the ingredients. Tastes better with some yogurt or cream. But it is also very tasty with ice cream. You may also add some grated chocolate. Serve in little bowls for dessert. It is tasty when it is cold. So put it into the fridge for 30 minutes before serving.
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