Glad to Meet You!
Start Lesson. Glad to Meet You!
1. Look at the picture and compare your classroom with it.
I can see a teacher in the classroom. And I can see a teacher in our classroom.
2. Match the pictures to the words.
3. Play the game “Snowball”. Say what you do on an English lesson.
+ | She plays games. | I play games. |
He plays games. | You play games. | |
It plays games. | We play games. | |
They play games. | ||
? | Does he play games? | Do you play games? |
4. Say what your partner does
5. Look at the words and find 5 objects from the classroom
Pen | Warm | Cloudy | Orange |
Sunny | Desk | Red | Textbook |
Wake up | Black | Breakfast | Go to bed |
Grey | Windy | Board | Get dressed |
Poster | Brush your teeth | Green | Cold |
What other groups of words can you find?
6. Listen to your teacher spell one of the words from Exercise 5 Use the word in a sentence.
7. Read the sentences and correct 5 mistakes.
Jane write with a green pen. – Jane writes with a green pen.
John read an orange textbook.
Tim wake up and has breakfast at 8 o’clock.
Steve listen to the teacher and does his homework every day.
Mary like it when it is warm and sunny.
Kate speak about the blue and yellow poster.
They all go to school and learn new rules.
8. Write 5 words in each column.
Weather | My Day | Classroom | Colours |
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