How to Sail
Lesson 12.4 How to Sail
1. Find the opposites.
Fast | Slow | Expensive |
Comfortable | Tiring | Cheap |
2. Make as many answers to the question as you can. Which transport is better?
It is better to travel by plane because it is fast.
3. Correct 6 mistakes.
1. How did the Bear Family traveled?
2. What Mama Bear keep in order?
3. What Baby Bear did want to do first?
4. What didn’t read Papa Bear before swimming?
5. What Papa Bear hit when he dived?
6. What did Papa Bear picked up on the beach?
Answer the questions.
4. Do you know these words?
Boat | Carefully | Scratch |
Sailing | Ship | Tired |
Important | Bump |
Baby Bear saw a bump / boat and asked, “Can we go skating / sailing?”
Dad agreed and told him a very important / tired rule of sailing: “You must look around very importantly / carefully. Like this!”
When Dad was looking one way, Baby Bear looked the other way and saw a big scratch / ship. He turned their tired / boat and saved them from hitting the big ship / boat.
“Dad, you are right! You must look around to sail safely.”
When they got to their beach house, Papa Bear had a boat / bump on his head, a scratch / beach on his arm and was very tired / important.
And Baby Bear learnt four ships / rules.
(After Stan and Jan Berenstain)
6. Make up a question to the answer.
Listen and check your answers.
7. Read the rules and say what Papa Bear did and what Baby Bear did.
Papa Bear didn’t…
Baby Bear…
– You must check the water before diving.
Papa Bear didn’t…
Baby Bear…
– You must check what you pick up.
Papa Bear didn’t…
Baby Bear…
– You must look around when you sail.
Papa bear…
Baby bear…
8. Look at these parts of the pictures and say what bears did.
9. Say as many sentences about Papa, Mama or Baby Bear as you can in one minute.
Pack | Read | Hit |
Unpack | Cry | See |
Swim | Dive | Pick up |
10. Write 6 sentences about the Bear Family’s travelling experience.
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