Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання; вдосконалювати навички виконання тестових завдань; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати правильне ставлення до підготовки до іспитів, а також загальну культуру учнів.



1) If you were the world’s best at something, what would you like to be best at?

2) If you could decide what happens in your life tomorrow, what would you want to happen?

2. Speaking

Do ex. 5, p. 37 (Homework)

3. Reading and speaking

Discuss the following questions before reading.

1) What do you think people study in gender studies classes?

2) Do you think men and women have different brains?

Do ex. 4, p. 35.

Key: a 3, b 1, c 4, d 2.

Vocabulary practice


Ukrainian equivalents to the following words:

Gender differences, in favour of, coeducational schools, attain, coed schools, superior performance, due to, score, crucial, attitude, subject preferences, constrained, reinforce.

In groups discuss advantages and disadvantages of mixed schooling. You may use the expressions below.

Opinions, Preferences


Giving reasons and offering explanations

I think…,

In my opinion…,

I’d like to…,

I’d rather…,

I’d prefer…,

The way I see it…,

As far as I’m concerned…,

If it were up to me…,

I suppose…,

I suspect that…,

I’m pretty sure that…,

It is fairly certain that…,

I’m convinced that…,

I honestly feel that,

I strongly believe that…,

Without a doubt……………….


don’t think that…,

Don’t you think it would be better…,

I don’t agree, I’d prefer…,

Shouldn’t we consider…,

But what about…,

I’m afraid I don’t agree…,

Frankly, I doubt if…,

Let’s face it,

The truth of the matter is…,

The problem with your point of view is that…

To start with,

The reason why…,

That’s why…,

For this reason…,

That’s the reason why…,

Many people think…,


Allowing for the fact that…,

When you consider that…

4. Listening, writing and speaking

Listen to the article from the Internet, write down the tips for successful passing of tests which are mentioned in the text and give some pieces of advice to your partner using your notes.


Doing well on English examinations – or any examination for that matter – depends not only on your knowledge, but also on having a good strategy.

Here’s How:

Do not insist on completing each question before going to the next. By insisting on completing each question, you lose time and become nervous.

If possible, go through the entire test answering the questions you are sure you know.

Go through the test a second time working out the answers to more difficult questions.

Once you have gone through the test twice, see if any of the questions asked can help you answer any really difficult questions.

If you have a strong feeling about a question when you first answer it, don’t go back and change it later.

Play the odds:

If you don’t know the answer, write something. In a 4 choice multiple choice question you have a 25 % chance of being right.

Do not cheat! Taking a test is as much for you as it is for your teacher. If you cheat, you won’t help yourself in the long run.

Do not translate from your mother tongue!

Don’t block when listening.

Limit yourself to what you know.

Look for time signifiers when having to conjugate.

Throw out the ridiculous answers in a multiple choice question.

Don’t try to be too funny or clever.


If you don’t know an answer, don’t worry about it. Worrying about what you don’t know keeps you from showing what you do know.

Remember that tests not only given to test your ability, but also to help you learn what you need to focus on to improve your English.

If you don’t understand why you have made a mistake, make sure to ask the teacher about that mistake in a latter session. Being embarrassed about mistakes will never help you improve, so ask!

5. Reading

Do ex. 6, p. 38.

6. Summary

Listen to the exam strategies and say if you accept them or not. Do you think if they are useful?


Five important points to remember on exam day.

1) Get there on time – make arriving at the exam on time as simple and straightforward as possible so you feel relaxed.

2) Take care of the technicalities – budgeting time, bringing the right equipment, writing legibly, improving weaker answers before polishing good ones.

3) Read the instructions.

4) Breathe deeply and don’t panic.

5) Answer the question. Establish what it asks for; then recall, select the relevant material, organise it, and formulate your answer.

7. Homework

Write down your own strategies how to pass exams successfully.