Introduktion. Nice to see you again!
Nice to see you again!
Ex. 1, p. 6
1. Spring; 2. The sun; 3. The wind; 4. The boy; 5. Autumn; 6. Rain; 7. Ride the bike; 8. Dance; 9. Play; 10. Umbrella; 11. Rain coat; 12. Sweater; 13. Girl; 14. Child; 15. School children.
Ex. 2, p. 7
В англійській мові до чоловічого роду належать всі назви живих істот чоловічого статі, до жіночого – всі назви живих істот жіночої статі, а до середнього роду належать всі назви неістот та назви тварин.
В. I am Oksana.
В. I am 8.
Ех. 3, р. 7
Дієслово to be: повна та скорочена форми + особові займенники:
Особові займенники | Форма |
I | Am |
He, she, it | Is |
We, you, they | Are |
Ти можеш користуватися скороченнями:
I am = I’m.
Не is = he’s.
She is = she’s.
You are = you’re.
We are = we’re.
They are = they’re.
A. Girl, her name, she.
B. Boy, his name, he.
C. Girl, her name, she.
D. Boy, his name, he.
E. Boy, his name, he.
Ex. 4, p. 7
1. They are Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
2. They live in London.
Ex. 1, p. 8
Bill is eight.
Tom is Bill’s brother.
Tom is five.
Kate is Bill’s sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown are Bill’s parents.
Ex. 2, p. 8
Am; Are; Are; Is; Are; Is; Are.
Ex. 2, p. 10
A 1. What colour is the flower? – It is red.
2. Where is the flower? – It is on the shelf.
2. Where is the pencil? – It is on the book.
C 1. What colour are the pens? – They are blue.
2. Where are the pens? – They are in the pencil-case.
D 1. What colour is the book? – It is red.
2. Where is the book? – It is on the table.
E 1. What colour is the bag? – It is brown.
2. Where is the bag? – It is on the chair.
Ex. 1, p. 12
Якщо хочеш розповісти своїм друзям, що ти вмієш робити, роздивися цю табличку дієслова саn.
І саn | We саn |
Не саn | You саn |
She саn | They саn |
It саn |
A. The boy can sing.
B. The girl can skip.
C. The boy can swim.
D. The girl can run.
E. The children can make a snowman.