Історичні відомості про їжу

І семестр



Тема. Історичні відомості про їжу


– проконтролювати навички читання та непідготовленого усного мовлення за текстом позакласного читання;

– практикувати у вживанні нових лексико-граматичних структур, словосполученнях і реченнях з оповідання;

– продовжувати формувати лексичні та граматичні навички учнів;

– сприяти розвитку уваги, спостережливості, самостійного мислення, навичок аналізу та самоаналізу.



Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

A) Перевірка виконання домашнього завдання, драматизація діалогів “У шкільній їдальні”

B) Текст “Culture Corner”, с. 48-49, read and answer the questions.

How much world’s food do the people from the developed countries eat?

How much food is thrown away in the USA?

Why are too many Americans overweight?

How many people in the non-developed world are hungry?

How much grain is produced to feed the world’s population?

Who can afford to eat meat in many countries of the world?

How much meat a year does an average person eat in India / Nigeria / the USA?

Do you consider food problem a global one? Give your reasons.

Which is correct, we eat to live or we live to eat?

What do you know

about food problem in your country?

C) It is interesting to know. Read and learn the poem.

The Earl of Sandwich

He lined up the bread

At last he was finished

To measure each slice,

(The bread two by two).

Cutting it evenly

“It’s done!” cried the Earl.

All meat and nice.

“I am finally through”.

“And now”, said the Earl,

“I know what to call it”.

“I will try something new.

He said with a whirl.

I will stack up the slices

“I will name it for me.

(Perhaps two by two)

“І will call it an Earl!”

D) The cold facts about ice cream

The first evidence of any kind of frozen confection is from Alexander the Great in the fourth century B. C. Once he even had 30 trenches filled with snow to chill drinks forladies’ refreshment.

Roman emperors savored wines, fruit pulps and juices chilled with ice and snow.

When Marco Polo returned to Europe from China in 1295, he told of exotic kings who savored these strange frozen delicacies.

Ice cream was brought to France in 1533 with the help of Catherine de Medicis of Italy.

In 1794 even the great composer Beethoven noticed the ice-cream craze in Vienna. He wrote, “It is very warm here. The Viennese are afraid it will soon be impossible to have any ice cream for… ice is rare”.

George Washington enjoyed the frosty dessert so much that during the summer of 1790 he ran up an ice-cream bill of almost 2,200$ in today’s money!

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Рецепти моєї мами / бабусі.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку та оцінює роботу учнів.

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