І семестр




Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексико-граматичні структури, навички письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.


1. Warm-up

1) What do you do when it is hot and sunny?

2) What do you do when it is cold and slippery?

3) What do you do when it is raining?

4) What do you do when there is much snow on the ground?

5) What do you do if the weather is bad?

2. Listening

Listen and learn the poem.


I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December.

A magical thing

And sweet to remember.

“We are nearer to spring,


we were in September”,

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December.

Oliver Herford

3. Reading

Read the text and answer the Yes / No questions.


The name December comes from the Latin word “decem” which means “ten”. In our calendar today, December is the twelfth month of the year. But in old Roman calendar, before Julius Caesar, it was the tenth month. The Anglo-Saxons called it Mid-winter month.

December is the month of snow and ice, the month of short and dark days. On December 22nd, we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The sky is pale, grey and has low clouds. Snowflakes fall from the grey sky and we say: “It’s snowing”. or: “It’s snowing heavily” or: “There’s a heavy snowfall”. When snow covers the ground you have a good chance to see tracks of animals.

December is both the end of the year and the start of the winter. It is known as the frosty gates of winter. It cools the earth and makes it pos­sible to use sleighs.


Does December come from modern language?

2) Is it the last month of the year now?

3) Was it the twelfth month long ago?

4) Does it have short days?

5) Is the sky bright?

6) Can we see snowflakes in December?

7) Can we find animals easily when the ground is covered with snow?

8) Is December the start of the year?

9) Is it frosty enough to use sleigh?

4. Grammar practice

Explain the rule (p. 63) and practice question tags in the exercises. Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 62.

Complete the conversation by putting in question tags.

– We haven’t seen it before, ___ ?

– No, it’s just arrived to this country.

– It comes from Italy, ___ ?

– No, from Spain.

– It is beautiful, ____ ?

– Yes, it’s something incredible!

– We couldn’t see it in the museum, ___ ?

– No, we saw it in the gallery last year.

– Oh, I see, it was a painting, ___ ?

– Yes, you’re so smart!

– It is Picasso, ____?

– Oh, yes, yes, you’ve known it!

5. Writing

Do Ex. 3, p. 62.

6. Speaking

Work in pairs.

Do Ex. 4, p. 63

Sample dialogue:

– It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?

– Right. But it is a little bit windy, isn’t it? I don’t like windy weather.

– But you look well today.

– It is my new sweater that makes me look well, doesn’t it?

– The sweater is beautiful. But I think it is not the right weather for wearing a sweater, isn’t it?

– Yes, but it is not hot today, isn’t it?

7. Speaking

Do Ex. 5 (a), p. 63.

Example: I think this is a father and he is reading a book.

8. Summary

Answer the questions.

1) It is December now, isn’t it?

2) It wasn’t Wednesday yesterday, was it?

3) You went to the cinema at the weekend, didn’t you?

4) Your mother was at school yesterday, wasn’t she?

5) Your friend hasn’t come today, has he?

6) Their parents like rock music, don’t they?

7) You can play chess well, don’t you?

9. Homework

Do Ex. 5 (b), p. 63.

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