Контроль навичок читання. Текст “A new flat”

II Семестр



Тема. Контроль навичок читання. Текст ” A New Flat “


– проконтролювати рівень знань, умінь та навичок учнів читання з вивчених протягом семестру тем;

– навчити учнів самостійного виконання тестів, правильного вибору комунікативних завдань, реально оцінювати рівень власних знань;

– прищеплювати повагу до вивчення іноземних мов, розвивати елементи логічного й аналітичного мислення під час виконання контрольних тематичних завдань.


I. Організація класу. Привітання


Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

Читання тексту. Виконання різнорівневих завдань.

Level A. Write down the Ukrainian translation of the text.

Level B. Write down the translation of the text and the following word combinations.

… earned his living as…

… both of them really liked…

… to celebrate their setting…

… practiced on the drums…

… terribly noisy down here…

Level C. Finish the following sentences with words and word combinations from the text.

He and his wife were…

But there was always… about the places.

… a house which both…

They decided to give… setting.

The guests… drums.

… wife… telephone.

The young men’s wife… glad… downstairs.

Their neighbor said… .


D. Render the plot of the story in English as if you were:

The wife / the husband

The man downstairs

One of the guests

“A new Flat”

A merry young man who earned his living as a drummer in a band, had lust married and he and his wife were looking for somewhere to live. They saw a lot of places but there was always something that one of them didn’t like about the places. At last they found a house which both of them really liked. But they couldn’t decide whether they should take one of the ground-floor flats or one of the upstairs ones.

At last they decide on an upstairs one – not too low down and not too high up – and moved in. Then they gave a big party to celebrate their setting.

It was a merry and noisy party as all his friends from the band came and played their instruments. The guests danced, sang and practiced on the drums. After a time telephone rang. The young man’s wife went into the hall to answer it. Then she came back with a happy smile on her face and said, “That was the man who has just moved into flat that is under out flat. I am so glad we decide not to choose it. He says it is terribly noisy down there”.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

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