Lesson 12


Lesson 12

Модальне дієслово can вживається, щоб а) виразити вміння або можливість виконати дію в теперішньому часі, б) попросити дозволу щось зробити.

Наприклад а) I can read – Я вмію читати

B) Can I go home? – Можу я піти додому?

Модальне дієслово сап має форму минулого часу – could

Заперечну форму утворюємо за допомогою частки not, яку ставимо після саn

Наприклад I cannot read – Я не вмію читати

Щоб утворити питальну форму потрібно сап поставити перед підметом.

Наприклад. – Can you read? – Ти вмієш читати?

Yes, І саn / No, I cannot –

Так. вмію / Ні, не вмію

1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions using the table.



















Your room?


A bike?

To the cinema?


The window?

Fool ball?

2. Elizabeth can do a lot of things. Make sentences about yourself.

Model: Elizabeth can swim

I can swim too /I cannot swim

1. Elizabeth can swim 2. Elizabeth can play tennis. 3. Elizabeth can go icе skating every day. 4. Elizabeth can often go to a clothing store. 5. Elizabeth can bathe in the river. 6. Elizabeth can drive a car. 7. Elizabeth can speak French. 8. Elizabeth can be arrogant and selfish. 9. Elizabeth can write beautiful poems. 10. Elizabeth can ride a horse. 11. Elizabeth can play the violin.

3. Walk around the

Hass. Ask each pupil:

1. what he/she can do;

2. what he/she can t do

Report the information to сlass.

Model: Ann can program a computer and ride a bike, but she can t drive a car and fly a plane

4. a) Write down in your exercise book three things you could do when you were five.

Model: When I was five, I could read.

B) Write down in your exercise book three things you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were five.

Model: I couldn’t write when I was five, but I can write now.

C) Write down in your exercise book three things you couldn’t do when you were five and you still can’t do it.

Model: I couldn’t swim when I was five and I still can’t swim.

5. Read the sentences below. Correct the wrong sentences.

1. The son of your brother is your nephew.

2. The son of your uncle is your cousin.

3. The daughter of your aunt is your cousin.

4. The brother of your mother is your nephew.

5. The daughter of your mother is your niece.

6. The sister of your father is your aunt.

7. The son of your father is your nephew.

8. The father of your mother is your uncle

6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions given below.

1. How many cousins, nephews, nieces, aunts and uncles have you got?

2. Where do they live?

3. What is their occupation?

4. What is their appearance and character?

7. Tell about your relatives. Use questions from exercise 6 as a plan.

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