Lesson 51
Lesson 51
1. Add two names to each category:
Mountains: | Snowdon,… |
Rivers: | The Shannon,… |
Lakes: | The Lough Neagh,… |
2. Name the odd word out in each line.
1. England, Scotland, Wales, Ukraine.
2. The Dnipro, the Clyde, the Dnister, the Bug.
3. Carpathians, Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Scafell.
3. Practise saying the geographical names.
/ˈbɛlərʊs/ | Білорусь |
/ˈrʌʃə/ | Росія |
/ˈhʌŋgəri/ | Угорщина |
/rəʊˈmeɪnɪə/ | Румунія |
/mɒlˈdəʊvə/ | Молдова |
/ˈpəʊlənd/ | Польща |
/sləʊˈvækɪə/ | Словаччина |
/kraɪˈmɪən/ | Кримські гори |
/ˈɑːzɒv/ | Азовське море |
/kɑːˈp | Карпати |
4. Look at the map and read about Ukraine.
Ukraine occupies an area of 603.700 square kilometers. In the north it borders on Belarus; in the east and north-east on Russia, in the south-west on Hungary, Romania and Moldova; in the west on Poland and Slovakia In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
The main territory of Ukraine is flat, but 5% of it make up mountains. The largest of them are the Carpathian mountains and the Crimean Mountains.
The Carpathians are situated in Europe and stretch through Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine.
The Crimean Mountains stretch along the coast of the Black Sea. The highest point of the Crimean Mountains is Roman-Kosh.
The major rivers in Ukraine are the magnificent Dnipro, the Dnister, the Bug, the Donets and others.
5. Give laconic answers to the questions.
1. Is the main territory of Ukraine flat or mountainious?
2. Does Ukraine border in the south-west on Hungary, Romania and Moldova or Belarus?
3. Does Ukraine border in the east and north-east on Russia or Moldova?
4. Does Ukraine border in the west on Romania or Poland and Slovakia?
5. Do the Carpathians stretch through Hungary, Poland and Romania or Poland and Slovakia?
6. Tell the class about Ukraine.
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