Мої друзі та їхні захоплення

Lesson 1. Мої друзі та їхні захоплення


– навчальна: продовжувати знайомство із країнами Європи, удосконалювати навички вимови англійських слів та складання тематичних діалогів;

– розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєві компетенції, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; толерантного ставлення до однокласників;

– виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову, як мову спілкування, виховувати дисципліну,

повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

Обладнання: карта Європи, картки за підтемами “Моя сім’я”, “Кольори”, “Іграшки”.

Хід уроку


1. Game “Rhyming words”

Put up two or three phonics cards around the room, saying the words for children to repeat. Ask children to stand up at their desks. Tell them you are going to call out words which rhyme with the words in the cards. Call out other words from the phonics lessons. Children point to the words on the wall. With a strong class, you may also ask them to repeat both words. Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are out and have to sit down. Option: with a limited number of words, you may call out both the words on the cards and words which rhyme with them.


2. Listen about the kids’ favourite toys, and say if the sentences are true or false (p. 34, ex. 1).


work: Ask pupils to listen about the children’s favourite toys and find correct statements.

Pupils listen and decide if the sentences are true or false. Go round helping weaker pupils especially to read and work out meaning for themselves.

Ask pupils to read the true statements only. Ask pupils to match the true statements with the pictures.

Pupils may be asked to describe the children using the sentences and the pictures from the exercise.

Answers: a) 1. True; 2. False; 3. True; 4. False; 5. False, b) Rosie – e; Steve – c; Dorian – d; Ann – b; Martin – a.


3. Copy and fill in the table. Write about your favourites. Then ask two friends (p. 35, ex. 2).

Copy the table down on the board.

Ask pupils to choose a pupil from the class to come to the board.

He/She completes the first column of the table writing his/her name.

Then ask other pupils to read the questions under the table and ask them to the pupils at the board.

He/She gives the answer to the first question and completes the second column.

Do the same procedure with other questions.

Pair work: Pupils in pairs ask and answer the questions and complete the table (which they have made in their copybooks) with their own answers.

4. Read and find out the kids’ favourite games (p. 35, ex. 3).

Pre-reading: Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask some questions about them: “What are the children doing? Where are they? How old are they? Are they big or small? What are they doing? What are they wearing?” etc. Don’t forget to say the number of every picture.

Ask pupils to read the stories about the children in silence after you. You can translate difficult sentences into the native language.

While-reading: Then read the text in a chain. Do choral and individual repetition of some paragraphs. Follow the same procedure three or four times. Post-reading: Do exercise 4.

5. Ask and answer (p. 36, ex. 4).

Pair work: Pupils read the questions to the exercise 3 and answer them using the information from the exercise.


1. Wenda likes skipping.

2. He lives in the sea.

3. Sashko and Vanya play chess.

4. Their favourite game is Snakes and Ladders.

Pay pupils attention to the Section ‘Remember’.

Read the sentences. Translate. Pay attention to possessive pronouns.

Do choral and individual reading.

Reading and Writing

6. Fill in ‘their’ or ‘our’ (p. 37, ex. 5).

Tell pupils to open their exercise books. Read the task of the exercise. Explain that they can use possessive pronouns in gaps.

Pupils read the sentences and fill in gaps using possessive pronouns. Then they write the sentences down.

Answers: 1. Their; 2. Our; 3. Their; 4. Our.

7. Look on pages 39-40 and say (p. 37, ex. 6).

Stick flashcards of different activities on the board.

Tell pupils to look at the pictures and ask: “What games are the boys/girls playing in the pictures?”

Pupils answer.

Tell pupils to look at the activities. Then ask to name these activities.

Ask pupils to complete the speech bubble using the pictures from the book. Then ask pupils to open their copybooks and write the sentences down.

Ending the Lesson

8. Work in a group of 3. Have the interview (p. 38, ex. 7).

Group work: Ask pupils to read the conversation choosing the words of heroes of the story. Pupils choose the roles and read the conversation.

Then they take turns to ask and answer in the same way, using their own answers.

Pupils act out the conversation in groups using their own answers. Go around the class helping with the pronunciation.

One or two groups act out the conversation, and so on.


Read p. 35, ex. 3.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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